记忆君特地里开了毒死灵找女伯爵截图[偷笑] 以下内容引用自“凯恩之角”: The Countess is a former woman who bathed in the blood of virgins, and was buried alive in her tower's cellars for her crimes. Her fortune was divided among the clergy, though some still remains in the tower, alongside the Countess, arisen from the grave. The Moldy Tome in the Stony Field tells you the story of the countess, and you can choose to explore it in the Forgotten Tower Quest. 翻译为:女伯爵之前曾是使用处女的血来洗澡的可怕女人,由于她犯下的罪行而被活埋在她的高塔地窖里。她的财产被神职人员瓜分,有些仍然和从坟墓中爬出来的女伯爵一起被遗留在高塔里。