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认识你们的敌人:共济会,光明会, 光照派

online_admin 发表于 2014-7-18 18:28:12 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

认识你们的敌人:共济会,光明会, 光照派863 / 作者:伤我心太深 / 帖子ID:18210

任何谈到光明会的话题,通常总从亚当.维斯豪普特(Adam Weishaupt)开始,我也将从他开始。



1774年,亚当.维斯豪普特加入共济会时,共济会已成为一个完全秘密的社团,但仍然以一种金字塔式的知识等级制度组织起来。处于社团底端的大众或“麻瓜(Muggles)们”,完全不知道教义&仪式背后所真正隐含的本质& 意义。只有沿着秘传知识的等级上升的时候,他们才能接近在真理顶端的路西弗的“全见之眼(All seeing eye)”,或共济会的“光明(Light)”,这时他们的意念就被“照亮”了。我曾以过去时态引用过它,其实,今日同样适用:苏格兰版本的共济会仪式中,这是广为人知、长期实践的仪式,体系里至少拥有33个等级,像弟兄会(The Shriners )一样的光明会,还有更高更多的精英等级。低位阶的人根本不知道他们隶属于一个崇拜巴力、亚舍拉和路西弗的团体,相对高几个位阶的光明会会员也被误导了,甚至那些被吸收进入共济会的基督徒,也相信共济会与基督信仰可以并行不悖。

维斯豪普特可不是这样的“麻瓜”,凭借耶稣会背景、通过“古典宗教”所习得的神秘宗教知识、希腊哲学,他很清楚共济会教条和仪式的起源。1776年5月1日,也就是他加入共济会第2年,耶稣会正式被教皇解散第3年,他开始在共济会这样一个秘密社团里,建立自己的精英社团、将社团建立在与耶稣会秩序并行不悖的的原则和技巧上。他计划招募前耶稣会士作为他自己社团的发起人(该计划基本失败),并准备把这个新的秩序叫做“完美者的秩序”(The Order of Perfectibilists)。不过,当时他们另外一个名字更为有名,就是“Ordo Illuminati Bavarensis”,简写为“Illuminati”(光明会),光明会的意思是“被照亮的人们”(the enlightened ones)。

光明会是共济会的精英团体,认为自己的思想被秘传知识所照亮,他们以知识的优越性、比常人获得更多启示为傲(无论是不是共济会员)。以金钱来资助这一团体的人,据说是一位名字叫梅耶•罗斯柴尔德的人,后文将介绍。顺便提一下,维斯豪普特的德语名字翻译过来就是“领导那些掌握知识的人”,“Adam(亚当)”这个词的意思是“人”, “weis(维斯)”意思是“掌握(知识)”,而 “haupt(豪普特)”意思是“领导者”。

认识你们的敌人:共济会,光明会, 光照派656 / 作者:伤我心太深 / 帖子ID:18210


这个目的,就光明会来说,就是毁灭所有的基督教,推翻所有的政权,并创造一个世界新秩序(New World Order)。

认识你们的敌人:共济会,光明会, 光照派565 / 作者:伤我心太深 / 帖子ID:18210



约翰.罗宾逊(John Robinson)教授,共济会员,同时声称是一名光明会会员、加入了这个精英秩序,在自己的书《阴谋的证据》(1797年)中这样写道:“光明会是由一批教授和知识分子构思,组织和鼓动起来的,他们中的许多人不仅杰出,还很狡诈和聪明,他们已经决意将自己的聪明才智完全交给魔鬼来使用;阴谋不仅是由共济会员以共济会的名义策划的,也是由邪恶之人策划用来实现自己的目的,共济会不过是他们的工具而已……我发现共济会的隐秘地点在每个国家都用来散布宗教和政治观点,这些观点不会出现在公众之处,以避免将制造这些观点的人暴露在极大的危险之中。我还发现,这种不负责任逐渐地鼓励那些本来就很放纵的人变得更为大胆,开始教导那些颠覆性的教义……以破坏对政府的信心……在我已经能够跟踪这些尝试…..这些尝试以哲学的火炬照亮世界这样的可疑借口来掩盖…..我发现这些学说逐渐扩散,并与共济会的不同系统混合在一起,最后一个团体被建立起来,表达自己要拔除所有宗教机构,推翻欧洲所有现存政府的目的。(光明会的最初目标)

认识你们的敌人:共济会,光明会, 光照派722 / 作者:伤我心太深 / 帖子ID:18210




认识你们的敌人:共济会,光明会, 光照派578 / 作者:伤我心太深 / 帖子ID:18210





The Illuminati

Any talk of the Illuminati normally begins with a man called Adam Weishaupt so that’s where I’ll start too.

Adam Weishaupt was born on February 6, 1748 in Bavaria, Germany. At the age of seven he enrolled in a Jesuit school and the occult ideas that were indoctrinated into him from that young age stuck with him for the rest of his life, helping to form his worldview and ideologies. As he grew up, he also studied ‘classic religion’ which is a euphemism for ancient forms of the Mysteries. Thus, by the time Weishaupt reached adult maturity he was very well versed in the occult.

When Pope Clement XIV abolished the Jesuits in 1773, Weishaupt went on to become a professor of Catholic canon law – a post that only Jesuits ever held, and a year after that he was initiated into the secret society of Freemasonry.

Now when Adam Weishaupt joined freemasonry in 1774, it had already long been a fully occult society but it was organised into the tell-tale pyramid shaped knowledge hierarchy. The masses or muggles at the lower end of the society were completely ignorant of the true nature and meaning behind their doctrines and rituals. It was only as they rose through the degrees of esoteric knowledge and moved closer to the All Seeing Eye of Lucifer at the top that the truth or ‘light’ of freemasonry, as they see it, began to ‘illuminate’ their minds. I use the past tense but it’s the same today. In the Scottish Rite version of freemasonry which is the most widely known and practiced, there are a minimum of 33 degrees to ascend through in the hierarchy with still more elite Illuminati degrees such as The Shriners above that. Those in the lower degrees simply have no clue that they are part of an organisation that ultimately worships Baal, Asherah and Lucifer. Even those relatively high up are misdirected. And even Christians have been ensnared in the organisation believing it is compatible or complementary to their faith.

Weishaupt however was no such muggle. With his Jesuit background and knowledge of the Mysteries through his studies of ‘classical religion’ and Greek philosophy, he was well aware of the origin of the doctrines and rituals of speculative masonry. Therefore on May 1, 1776, two years after joining the freemasons and three years after the Jesuits were formally shut down, he attempted to form his own elite secret society within a secret society. He would base it on the exact same principles and techniques of the Jesuit Order. He would try (and largely fail) to recruit ex-Jesuits as initiates and would call this new order, “The Order of Perfectibilists”. In time they became more famously known as “Ordo Illuminati Bavarensis” – or the Illuminati for short. The Illuminati means ‘the enlightened ones’. These were to be an elite masonic group whose minds were supposedly illuminated with the true meaning of the esoteric knowledge. They prided themselves on their intellectual superiority and depth of insight over the average man, whether freemason or not. Financing the whole operation was said to be a man called Mayer Rothschild, who we will discover more about later. Incidentally, Wieshaupt’s name translates as “the man to lead those who know.” The word Adam, means ‘man’. The word ‘weis’ means ‘to know’ and ‘haupt’ means ‘leader’.

The Illuminati were basically the Jesuits reincarnated under a Deist or secular guise. When Weishaupt approached ex-Jesuits to join the Order he baited them with promises that they would recover the influence which they had formerly possessed. When all but two rejected his advances his pride was apparently bruised as he then turned on the Catholic church, claiming they were now his sworn enemy – at least publicly. It would have aided his cause to be seen to be anti-Catholic as that was the general sentiment amongst the people he was trying to target. True to the vision, he certainly did imbue the Illuminati with the exact same ideas that had pervaded the Jesuit Order – those characteristics we associate with Jezebel or Asherah. Like the Jesuits, the aim of the Illuminati was nothing less than complete power and control. Most worryingly of all, they retained the core mantra that would justify any number of atrocities; “the end justifies the means.”

The end, in the case of the Illuminati, was the complete destruction of all Christianity, the overturn of all monarchies and the creation of a New World Order. The Deists, freemasons and Illuminatists recognised that kings and queens derived their temporal authority from the spiritual authority of the Pope and that he effectively controlled monarchies from behind the scenes. Just as Nimrod and Semiramis maintained control of their empire through perceived religious authority, monarchs in Europe looked for the same kind of confirmation from Popes to maintain control of their own lands. Their rule almost wasn’t legitimate until the Pope said so. Therefore, in the eyes of the populace, the monarchies of Europe were inextricably linked to the corrupt Catholic system and it was this joining of Church and State, temporal and spiritual, that had brought so much oppression and wickedness.

The solution for the Illuminati therefore was therefore to separate Church and State and to destroy both in the process. Christianity would be shut down and the monarchies who derived their legitimacy from the Pope would have to be overthrown. There would need to be revolution. This is effectively what the Illuminati set out to achieve.

Professor John Robinson, a Freemason who claims he was approached by the Illuminati to join the elite order wrote in his book, Proofs of Conspiracy in 1797,

"The Illuminati were conceived, organized, and activated by professionals and intellectuals, many of them brilliant but cunning and clever, who decided to put their minds in the service of total evil; a conspiracy conceived not by Masons as Masons, but by evil men using Freemasonry as a vehicle for their own purposes ... I have found that the covert of a Masonic Lodge has been employed in every country for venting and propagating sentiments in religion and politics, that could not have circulated in public without exposing the author to great danger. I found, that this impunity has gradually encouraged men of licentious principles to become more bold, and to teach doctrines subversive ... of all our confidence in the moral government of the universe ... I have been able to trace these attempts, made ... under the specious pretext of enlightening the world by the torch of philosophy ... I have observed these doctrines gradually diffusing and mixing with all the different systems of Free Masonry till, at last an association has been formed for the express purpose of rooting out all the religious establishments, and overturning all the existing governments of Europe.[The primary goal of the Illuministi] is to get the possession of riches, power and influence, without industry [i.e. without working for it]; and, to accomplish this, they want to abolish Christianity; and then ... universal profligacy will procure them the adherence of all the wicked, and enable them to overturn all the civil governments of Europe; after which they will think of farther conquests, and extend their operations to the other quarters of the globe."

Just a quick interjection to point out the important statement that abolishing Christianity would lead to ‘universal profligacy’. This is still true today. The spiritual temperature of a city, nation and continent largely depends on the spiritual temperature of the Christian church. If we find our culture falling into wickedness, it is probably because our churches are failing. While just our mere presence on the Earth is slowing the rate of decay, we have been told to be salt and light. How salty we are will preserve morals and standards in our society. How brightly we shine will determine the kind of place we live in.

Robinson then goes further explaining, “An association has been formed for the express purposes of rooting out all the religious establishments and overturning all existing governments... the leaders would rule the World with uncontrollable power, while all the rest would be employed as tools of the ambition of their unknown superiors."

Robinson is describing an occult hierarchy here; a few elite illuminated ones ruling over a mass of muggles. Except this time it’s on a global scale.

Weishaupt was well aware that Freemasonry was the perfect vehicle for the Illuminati simply because of its secrecy. He says,

"The great strength of our Order lies in its concealment; let it never appear in any place in its own name, but always concealed by another name, and another occupation. None is fitter than the lower degrees of Freemasonry; the public is accustomed to it, expects little from it, and therefore takes little notice of it. Next to this, the form of a learned or literary society is best suited to our purpose, and had Freemasonry not existed, this cover would have been employed.”

Freemasonry was chosen because the public already knew about it and thought it harmless. Its origins as a trade union for craftsmen meant the average person thought nothing of it. This was the perfect cloak of cover.

online_member 发表于 2014-7-20 13:44:39 | 显示全部楼层
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