金牛座:TaurusZeus, the lord of gods,
metamorphosed himself into the white bull,
is passing through the wide ocean.
On his back is his beloved Europe,
a beautiful princess of Phoenicia.
The couple is heading for far land of honeymoon.
Europe is certain to live happily there,
wherefore the land is called Europe.
タウルス(牡牛座) 輝く白牛にすがたを変え
海の精 風の精たちに祝福され
エウロペ姫は その名を残す大陸で
AriesOne quiet starry night,
Prince Priksos and Princess Here
are leaving their home country
without being noticed by anyone.
They are to head for the land of their future, Korkis
on the back of a big golden ram.
アリエス(牡羊座) 誰も知らないこの夜
ひそかに旅立つのは プリクソス王子と妹のへレー
王家を離れ 遠い東の国コルキスへ飛ぼう
黄金色したやわらかい 羊の背中に身をまかせ
海を越え 幸せの地へ
GeminiThe twins were born under the wings of the Swan, Zeus.
Castor inherited tenderness from their mother.
Pollux inherited immortality from their father.
When Castor was wounded to die in a war,
Pollux cried to Zeus, the Almighty,
" Take away my immortality and let us die together."
Thus, the twin stars have been twinkling side by side
in the eternal sky.
ジェミニ(双子座) 白鳥の翼のもとで 双子が生まれた
カストルは母のやさしさ ポルックスは父の不死身を受けついで
カストルが命を落とす日 ポルックスは神に願った
”自分の不死身を解いて 一緒に死なせてください”
CancerIn the silence of the lake,
Waves lap softly onto the broken legs.
"Sleep in peace at the bottom of the blue Heaven."
With the merciful voice of Hera, the goddess of gods,
the figure of the big crab goes far up into the sky
to become the stars, shining dimly and deeply.
キャンサー(蟹座) 海よりも深い 天空の青の底で眠りなさい
壊れた脚に やさしく波はうち寄せる
彼の体は ほのかな光を放ち
LibraIn the Golden Age, gods and people lived together on the ground.
As people got more desire and disobeyed the Divine Providence,
gods retreated altogether back to Heaven.
Dike, the maiden goddess of justice, trusting human nature,
remained alone on the ground to persuade them.
But no heart would listen to her.
So she threw her immortality up into the sky
to change herself into the stars of Scale, Libra,
asking eternally what is right and what is wrong.
ライブラ(天秤座) 黄金の時代 神々と人は共に暮らしていた
人間が欲を持ち 天の摂理に逆らいだすと 神々の天空世界と地上との距離が離れていった
正義の女神ディケは人を信じて独り地上に残り 人の心に向き合った
しかし 人間は 耳を傾けようとはしなかった
ディケは正邪をはかる天秤をたずさえ 天空へ飛び去り 地上を見守る星座になった
いつしか人の心が あの碧い空のように澄みきった日 地上に降臨するのを夢見ながら
LeoThe Lion, standing in the light of the full moon,
gives all his love to Serene, the goddess of the moon.
With Legurus, the star of courage, on his chest,
How can he imagine the tragedy he is fated to ?
レオ(獅子座) 月から落ちて来た 女神セレネのライオンは
SagittariusChiron, the wise man of Centaurs, draws a bow to the full.
The target is the red bright star of wisdom
that can be discerned only by the intelligent.
He is getting further wisdom
to serve for happiness of gods and people.
サジタリウス(射手座) 銀河の岸辺にひときわ明るい赤い星
弓を引き絞り またひとつ知恵を得よう
VirgoDemeter, the goddess of agriculture,
rescued her only daughter Peresphone
who had been abducted by the god of Underworld.
But she was bewitched to stay in Underworld
for four months every year.
When chilly wind takes her away after harvest,
Mother Falls into a deep sorrow.
Thus cold winter comes.
How earnestly we hope spring to come soon !
ヴァーゴ(乙女座) 冥界のザクロの実4粒と 母デメテルの愛が
今年も収穫が終わり 冷たい風がペルセポネーを冥界へ連れ去る
恵の季節 野原いっぱいに花と緑があふれるのを夢見て
CapricornusPan is the bright and cheerful God of pasture.
He always enjoys playing the pipe made of a reed
and trotting around in the woods with pretty nymphs.
This time, however, he metamorphosed himself into a strange goat
and is swimming in the water.
How do you wonder why he is doing such things ?
ScorpiusGaia, the goddess of the earth, with mother's love,
ordered Scorpion to kill the sinful mankind, Orion,
who had destroyed the order of the nature.
We, mankind, descendants of Orion,
When will we ever learn
the message of the mother of the earth ?
スコーピアス(蠍座) 母なる地球
すべてを包み はぐくむ
大いなる自然の力で 新たな命の炎をともし
AquariusGanymede, a human boy, was blessed with such beauty
that even gods could not stop falling in love.
One day he was taken away somewhere by a majestic eagle.
Time passed, and in Heaven,
gods were fascinated with a young man
who were serving nectar to them at their party.
Thus, Zeus, the lord of gods,
gave him the immortality of god
and he became the stars of a man
who is pouring water of rain toward his home ground.
アクエリアス(水瓶座) 地上人のガニメデは
神の心を動かすほどに美しく 天空に迎えられた
大地に雨の恵みをもたらす 神になっていた
PiscesUnder a far away galaxy,
in a romance of a fantastic starry night,
You can see
a couple of Fish ─ Aphrodite and Eros,
and a string of ribbon which ties Mama and Son eternally.