UFO中文网报道:UFO和外星人有关系吗?没有?一说到UFO,大多数人会联想到不明飞行物(Unidentified Flying Object),少部分人会想到用友软件(User Friend Office),我想讨论的是前者。
很多人将UFO视为等同于高科技或外星文明的飞碟、飞盘(英文:Flying Saucer),台湾称为飞碟、幽浮。
这就奇怪,因为UFO的全称是Unidentified Flying Object,直译就是“不明飞行物”,也就说暂时不知道是什么的东西都可以这么称呼。经过文献检索国内和UFO翻译有关的只有青岛大学一篇硕士论文《关于翻译的实践报告》,并没有提及相关话题。
格林斯高阶英汉双解学习词典中UFO定义是:A UFO is an object seen in the sky or landing on earth which cannot be identified and which is often believed to be from another planet. UFO is an abbreviation for 'unidentified flying object'.
牛津在线词典UFO定义是:A mysterious object seen in the sky for which it is claimed no orthodox scientific explanation can be found, often supposed to be a vehicle carrying extraterrestrials.
Dictionary.com UFO定义是:any unexplained moving object observed in the sky, especially one assumed by some observers to be of extraterrestrial origin.
对其词源和文化做了如下解释:n.1953, abbreviation of Unidentified Flying Object, which is attested from 1950.
An abbreviation for “ U nidentified F lying O bject.” Often described as “flying saucers,” some UFOs are believed to come from other planets or galaxies and thus support the idea that human beings are not the only form of intelligent life in the universe. Few scientists agree.
因此我们就有了两条线索了,一条是时间线索找1950s那个词语最初诞生的的语境,一个是和flying saucers做比较。
从简单的开始查查flying saucers。牛津在线词典的定义是:A disc-shaped flying craft supposedly piloted by aliens; a UFO:a theory that friendly aliens in a flying saucer had landed in the village,这是一个循环定义了,而且体现出当时大家认为外星人是友善的,一个很有趣的切入点。Dictionary.com的定义是:any of various disk-shaped objects allegedly seen flying at high speeds and altitudes, often with extreme changes in speed and direction, and thought by some to be manned by intelligent beings from outer space,简单说就是碟形的飞行物被认为是外星文明并说这个词诞生于1945-1950年。不过在flying的词源里提到:Flying saucer first attested 1947, though the image of saucers for unidentified flying objects is from at least 1880s.
1947年到底发生了什么呢,相信很多UFO迷应该知道,Kenneth Arnold声称在他驾驶自己的飞机的时候目睹了九个碟形的飞行物体,具体可以参见维基百科相关词条:Flying saucer,Kenneth Arnold UFO sighting,以及相关报告,比如livescience的梳理和一个外星人百科网站的介绍。
On June 26, 1947, the Chicago Sun coverage of the story may have been the first use ever of the term "flying saucer".图片和说明来自wiki。
因此有理由怀疑,UFO受到这个启发才出现的,事实也的确如此。1953年United States Air Force (USAF美国空军)将1947年以来这些flying saucers统称为UFO或UFOB:
any airborne object which by performance, aerodynamic characteristics, or unusual features, does not conform to any presently known aircraft or missile type, or which cannot be positively identified as a familiar object. Obviously the term 'flying saucer' is misleading when applied to objects of every conceivable shape and performance. For this reason the military prefers the more general, if less colorful, name: unidentified flying objects. UFO (pronounced Yoo-foe) for short.
更多可以直接查看wiki词条,其实已经把历史起源都解释清楚了。需要指出的是无论是flying saucer还是UFO出现的时间都晚于现象出现的时间。
因此,其实不明飞行物并非不明的,从诞生时候起它某种程度上就被定义为和外星文明有关了,只不过为了不受flying saucer外形颜色的限制才被叫做UFO,并不是大家普遍认为的不知道是什么就都可以被称为UFO,只不过由于字面含义而逐渐真的不明了。
哦对了,如果读者有心的话,会发现1950年是Unidentified Flying Object这个词诞生的时间,但是1950年发生了什么有趣的事儿呢,其实有几个特别著名的观察事件发生。一是Mariana事件,或以发生地Montana命名,一是McMinnville事件。更离奇的是甚至有一段视频脚印意外流传下来,连FBI最近还解密过一些材料(见下图)。这些能否用非超自然理由解释并不重要(当然CIA曾说1950s和1960s的目击事件有一半可以排除外星人可能),重要的是它的历史价值,真希望有这样的科幻研究者、科技史研究者、社会学、人类学或者文化批评研究者来把UFO的历史解释清楚啊。