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online_member 发表于 2023-1-3 15:00:36 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
世界最高楼排名_世界最高楼排名十位556 / 作者:UFO爱好者 / 帖子ID:101104
TOP1、Merdeka 118——吉隆坡——马来西亚
世界最高楼排名_世界最高楼排名十位800 / 作者:UFO爱好者 / 帖子ID:101104
项目高度:678.9米项目楼层:118层项目设计:Fender Katsalidis Architects项目开发:PNB项目施工:三星Merdeka 118不仅是马来西亚最高建筑,还是东南亚最高建筑。项目被CTBUH授予为2022年度将建成的最高楼。
世界最高楼排名_世界最高楼排名十位983 / 作者:UFO爱好者 / 帖子ID:101104
TOP2、曼谷一号(one bangkok)——曼谷——泰国
世界最高楼排名_世界最高楼排名十位526 / 作者:UFO爱好者 / 帖子ID:101104
综合体主塔名称: O4H4项目高度:436.1米项目楼层:92层项目开发商:TCC Assets与Frasers Property项目投资额:约38亿美金项目设计:SOM项目开工/完成:2018年/2025年项目是一座世界级的城市综合体,其中主楼是泰国目前为止唯一一座超400米的摩天大楼,由华人富豪投资建造。
世界最高楼排名_世界最高楼排名十位200 / 作者:UFO爱好者 / 帖子ID:101104

世界最高楼排名_世界最高楼排名十位897 / 作者:UFO爱好者 / 帖子ID:101104
世界最高楼排名_世界最高楼排名十位84 / 作者:UFO爱好者 / 帖子ID:101104
世界最高楼排名_世界最高楼排名十位636 / 作者:UFO爱好者 / 帖子ID:101104
项目高度:393米项目楼层:77层项目设计:Dar al-Handasah Shair & Partners项目施工:中国建筑这是非洲第一座高度超过380米的摩天大楼,目前已进入收尾阶段,计划2023年建成。
世界最高楼排名_世界最高楼排名十位963 / 作者:UFO爱好者 / 帖子ID:101104

世界最高楼排名_世界最高楼排名十位67 / 作者:UFO爱好者 / 帖子ID:101104
世界最高楼排名_世界最高楼排名十位680 / 作者:UFO爱好者 / 帖子ID:101104
项目高度:385.8米项目主体高度:283米项目楼层:65层项目设计:Pierre Fakhoury项目开发:PFO项目2021年动工兴建,这是非洲第2座超380米的摩天大楼,目前核心筒已建到地上近二十层。
世界最高楼排名_世界最高楼排名十位898 / 作者:UFO爱好者 / 帖子ID:101104
TOP5、Autograph Tower——雅加达——印尼
世界最高楼排名_世界最高楼排名十位460 / 作者:UFO爱好者 / 帖子ID:101104
世界最高楼排名_世界最高楼排名十位144 / 作者:UFO爱好者 / 帖子ID:101104
世界最高楼排名_世界最高楼排名十位573 / 作者:UFO爱好者 / 帖子ID:101104
项目高度:352米项目楼层:59层项目设计:Vizzion Mimarlik项目塔冠已初具雏形,即将安装天线桅杆!
世界最高楼排名_世界最高楼排名十位6 / 作者:UFO爱好者 / 帖子ID:101104

世界最高楼排名_世界最高楼排名十位425 / 作者:UFO爱好者 / 帖子ID:101104
TOP7、THE ONE——多伦多——加拿大
世界最高楼排名_世界最高楼排名十位150 / 作者:UFO爱好者 / 帖子ID:101104
项目高度:338.3米项目楼层:94层项目设计:Foster + Partners和Core Architects项目开工/建成:2017年/2024年项目是一座摩天住宅,目前施工进度一般,核心筒高度才建到20余层。
世界最高楼排名_世界最高楼排名十位841 / 作者:UFO爱好者 / 帖子ID:101104
世界最高楼排名_世界最高楼排名十位919 / 作者:UFO爱好者 / 帖子ID:101104
世界最高楼排名_世界最高楼排名十位431 / 作者:UFO爱好者 / 帖子ID:101104
世界最高楼排名_世界最高楼排名十位345 / 作者:UFO爱好者 / 帖子ID:101104
世界最高楼排名_世界最高楼排名十位2 / 作者:UFO爱好者 / 帖子ID:101104
项目高度:330米项目楼层:64开发商:森大厦项目设计:Pelli Clarke Pelli Architects项目开工/完成:2019年/2023年项目近日完成的塔冠部分的幕墙安装,已基本上建成。
世界最高楼排名_世界最高楼排名十位793 / 作者:UFO爱好者 / 帖子ID:101104

世界最高楼排名_世界最高楼排名十位971 / 作者:UFO爱好者 / 帖子ID:101104
TOP10、Supernova Spira——诺伊达——印度
世界最高楼排名_世界最高楼排名十位348 / 作者:UFO爱好者 / 帖子ID:101104
项目高度:300米项目楼层:80层项目位于印度首都新德里的卫星城市诺伊达,它以0.1米的微弱优势领先孟买的lokhandwala minerva,成为印度在建的最高楼。
世界最高楼排名_世界最高楼排名十位133 / 作者:UFO爱好者 / 帖子ID:101104
TOP11、Bahria Town ICON——卡拉奇——巴基斯坦
世界最高楼排名_世界最高楼排名十位434 / 作者:UFO爱好者 / 帖子ID:101104
世界最高楼排名_世界最高楼排名十位294 / 作者:UFO爱好者 / 帖子ID:101104
TOP12、穆罕默德六世塔(Mohammed VI Tower)——拉巴特——摩洛哥
世界最高楼排名_世界最高楼排名十位674 / 作者:UFO爱好者 / 帖子ID:101104
项目高度:250米项目楼层:55层建筑面积:10.28万平方米项目设计:Rafael de la Hoz和Hakim Benjelloun项目开发:FinanceCom从建筑外形上看,与我国深圳的中国华润大厦极为相似,目前项目核心筒和塔冠都已封顶,正进入幕墙加束这安装阶段。
世界最高楼排名_世界最高楼排名十位840 / 作者:UFO爱好者 / 帖子ID:101104
世界最高楼排名_世界最高楼排名十位357 / 作者:UFO爱好者 / 帖子ID:101104
世界最高楼排名_世界最高楼排名十位698 / 作者:UFO爱好者 / 帖子ID:101104

世界最高楼排名_世界最高楼排名十位592 / 作者:UFO爱好者 / 帖子ID:101104

世界最高楼排名_世界最高楼排名十位636 / 作者:UFO爱好者 / 帖子ID:101104

TOP14、The Link——巴黎——法国
世界最高楼排名_世界最高楼排名十位626 / 作者:UFO爱好者 / 帖子ID:101104
项目高度:242米项目楼层:52层项目总建筑面积:13万平方米项目建成时间:2025年项目位于巴黎拉德芳斯CBD核心区,它将取代今年刚刚落成的Tour HEKLA(220米),成为法国最高的摩天大楼。
世界最高楼排名_世界最高楼排名十位199 / 作者:UFO爱好者 / 帖子ID:101104

世界最高楼排名_世界最高楼排名十位606 / 作者:UFO爱好者 / 帖子ID:101104
世界最高楼排名_世界最高楼排名十位25 / 作者:UFO爱好者 / 帖子ID:101104
A comparison of some of the tallest buildings throughout history.
America's Empire State Building and the Sears Tower were, at different times, the tallest buildings in the world. But they've been eclipsed by some truly giant structures. Engineering tools and building capabilities have come a long way in the last couple of decades, as buildings continue to reach ever-skyward at a rapid pace.
That doesn't diminish the importance of those early skyscrapers, though. The first such building was erected in Chicago in 1885. Called The Home Insurance Building, it was held together using a then-innovative steel frame and stood 10 stories tall (although two more were added in 1890). The landmark was brought down in 1931 and replaced by an even taller structure.
不过,这并没有削弱早期摩天大楼的重要性。第一座这样的建筑于1885年在芝加哥建成。这座建筑名为“家庭保险大厦”(The Home Insurance Building),采用当时颇具创新精神的钢架结构,共有10层楼高(不过1890年又增加了两层)。1931年,这座地标性建筑被拆除,取而代之的是一座更高的建筑。
Although it's long gone, The Home Insurance Building and other early towers like it taught architects and structural engineers a thing or two about protecting skyscrapers from elements like wind and lightning, as well as elevator construction, plumbing and electricity. The current tallest buildings in the world have these earlier ones to thank for their current status. Here are the top seven in reverse order:
Contents 内容
Burj Khalifa 哈利法塔Merdeka 118 默迪卡118Shanghai Tower 上海中心大厦Makkah Royal Clock Tower Hotel 麦加皇家钟塔酒店Ping An Finance Centre 平安金融中心Lotte World Tower 乐天世界大厦One World Trade Center 世贸中心一号7. One World Trade Center 世贸中心一号
世界最高楼排名_世界最高楼排名十位69 / 作者:UFO爱好者 / 帖子ID:101104
The 9/11 Memorial (front) and One World Trade Center form an impressive contrast in lower Manhattan. The building is 1,776 feet, a nod to the year the U.S. was founded.
The creation of One World Trade Center occurred after the World Trade Center "Twin Towers" tragically fell during the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks. The new structure opened to the public in 2014 and is the tallest building in North America, standing 1,776 feet (541.3 meters) in height, although 408 feet of that belongs to its spire. Some people thought it was controversial to count the spire in determining the building height. One World Trade Center has 3 million square feet (278,709 square meters) of office space, a 55-foot (17-meter) high office lobby with extra-thick concrete walls for security, plus shops and restaurants. The World Trade Center, which comprises seven buildings including the one we're highlighting, is also the site of the national memorial to those killed on 9/11.
6. Lotte World Tower 乐天世界大厦
世界最高楼排名_世界最高楼排名十位522 / 作者:UFO爱好者 / 帖子ID:101104
Lotte World Tower in Seoul, South Korea, has a multitude of amenities, including an indoor theme park and a folk museum.
This megastructure might be the most entertaining on our list, as it boasts not only an indoor theme park and multiple theaters but also an outdoor park and a Korean folk museum. At 123 floors, Lotte World Tower, which is located in Seoul's Songpa District, is South Korea's tallest (1,819 feet or 554 meters). Roughly 13 million visitors flock to the site every year to enjoy its exceptional shopping, dining and views. Others take in the artistry inherent in the building itself, thanks to its 42,000 glass windows, many of which are curved for sheer aesthetic effect. It was completed in 2017.
5. Ping An Finance Centre 平安金融中心
世界最高楼排名_世界最高楼排名十位947 / 作者:UFO爱好者 / 帖子ID:101104
Ping An Finance Centre is the home of the Ping An Insurance Company in Shenzhen,China.
Located in Shenzhen, China, this stunner of a building with a glass, stone and stainless steel exterior is 1,965 feet tall (599 meters) and includes 115 aboveground floors. Construction on Shenzhen's tallest building finished up in 2017, and today the Ping An Finance Centre features a conference center, expansive retail establishment and roughly 100 office floors. It's also appropriately named, as it's the headquarters for the Ping An Insurance Company. Unlike many other buildings on our list, it does not feature any residential space.
4. Makkah Royal Clock Tower Hotel 麦加皇家钟塔酒店
世界最高楼排名_世界最高楼排名十位336 / 作者:UFO爱好者 / 帖子ID:101104
The Makkah Royal Clock Tower Hotel is the tallest hotel and clock tower in the world.
This building makes Big Ben look like a pocket watch. At 1,972 feet (601 meters), the Makkah Royal Clock Tower Hotel in Mecca, Saudi Arabia, was completed in 2012. The structure has 120 stories of commercial and residential space to its credit across seven towers. All of that sits atop a stunning retail establishment. The clock tower is the tallest in the world and includes more than 2 million LED lights in the clock face. The on-site hotel is naturally of the five-star variety, operated by Fairmont Hotels.
这座建筑让大本钟看起来像块怀表。位于沙特阿拉伯麦加的麦加皇家钟楼酒店高1972英尺(601米),于2012年完工。该建筑有120层的商业和住宅空间,横跨7座塔楼。所有这些都坐落在一个令人惊叹的零售设施之上。这座钟楼是世界上最高的,钟面上有超过200万盏LED灯。现场的酒店自然是五星级的,由费尔蒙特酒店(Fairmont Hotels)经营。
Since it's very near Masjid al-Haram (Great Mosque of Mecca), the holiest site in Islam, the hotel has an on-site prayer room which can accommodate over 10,000 worshippers, an Islamic museum and lunar observation center and separate fitness rooms for men and women. At a construction cost of more than $15 billion, this is also considered the world's most expensive building!
3. Shanghai Tower 上海中心大厦
世界最高楼排名_世界最高楼排名十位685 / 作者:UFO爱好者 / 帖子ID:101104
Shanghai Tower in China, looks beautiful against the clouds. It was finished in 2015.
China's tallest building is the third tallest in the world at 128 aboveground stories (2,073 feet or 632 meters). This property is actually owned by the Shanghai city government and boasts the fastest elevators in the world, which can travel at 49 miles per hour (74 kph). The layout of the building is very next-generation, as it's made up of nine "cylindrical buildings stacked on top of each other," as the British Institution of Civil Engineers put it. One extra-swank part of the tower is a Four Seasons hotel, which features a pool on the 84th floor, making it one of the highest swimming pools on the planet. Shanghai Tower keeps good company, as two other slightly smaller "mega-skyscapers" are also located within the financial district.
2. Merdeka 118 默迪卡118
世界最高楼排名_世界最高楼排名十位626 / 作者:UFO爱好者 / 帖子ID:101104
Merdeka 118 is the newest entry to the world's tallest buildings list and is at No. 2!
This brand-new building only recently overtook Shanghai Tower as the second tallest in the world. The 118-story Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, establishment is 2,227 feet (678.7 meters) in height. Construction on the facility is complete, and it's expected to open for business in late 2022. In addition to office, retail, residential and hotel space, Merdeka 118 will also feature southeast Asia's largest observation deck, called "The View at 118." It's the first tower of its kind in Malaysia to net a triple-platinum, international sustainability certification.
1. Burj Khalifa 哈利法塔
世界最高楼排名_世界最高楼排名十位105 / 作者:UFO爱好者 / 帖子ID:101104
Burj Khalifa sits in the middle of the Dubai skyline. It's currently the tallest building in the world.
In 2010, Burj Khalifa became the official tallest building in the world, when the mega-structure opened its doors in downtown Dubai. Twelve years later, it's still holding on to its title. Dubbed a "vertical city," the structure is 2,716 feet, 6 inches (828 meters) in height. This makes it more than twice as tall as the famed Empire State Building. Not surprisingly, its height also earned it a few additional records, including highest restaurant from ground level, tallest elevator in a building and most floors in a building.
2010年,哈利法塔(Burj Khalifa)正式成为世界上最高的建筑,当时这座巨型建筑在迪拜市中心开放。12年过去了,它仍然保持着它的头衔。这座建筑被称为“垂直城市”,高2716英尺6英寸(828米)。这使得它比著名的帝国大厦高两倍多。毫不奇怪,它的高度也为它赢得了一些额外的记录,包括地面最高的餐厅,建筑物中最高的电梯和建筑物中最多的楼层。
Within its considerable confines, which number more than 160 floors, are many different enterprises, including a hotel, office space, restaurants, health and fitness facilities, residences and a mosque. Visiting its observation deck is a popular tourist attraction. Burj Khalifa reportedly cost a whopping $1.5 billion to build.
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