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online_member 发表于 2023-1-19 14:09:11 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
online_member 发表于 2023-1-19 14:09:19 | 显示全部楼层
补充一个实锤,上世纪八十年代,美国佐治亚州立了几块石碑,石碑上用不同文字刻了引导语,开篇第一句话就是要把地球人口控制在五亿之内。这个引导石今年夏天被炸了,但是这个石碑矗立四十多年,很显然,官方是知情并且也认同的,甚至于立碑之人就是官方。搜索“佐治亚 石碑”就能看到这块石碑的碑文。只能说,美国精英的思维一直都是极端社会达尔文:留下最精英最优秀的小部分人统治地球。
online_member 发表于 2023-1-19 14:09:34 | 显示全部楼层
那个视频我从头到尾看完了,感觉大家说的没到点上,仅仅是把这个计划看成了 卒灭倔。
(补充,具体来说他们打算挑起中东的战火,制造冲突,同时投放文艺,以此制造恐慌。这样他们可以夺取更多权力,民众将“请求”正负实行高压统治 ,军事管制。而这仅仅是西方皿煮灭亡的第一步。大家可能沉浸在我国战争文艺的喜悦中,过度乐观,看夕方的笑话。但是联系到中东难民问题,其实你们只在第二层,而那一波阴谋者在第五层)
视频的作者澄清了两个概念,一个叫预测,一个叫预言。有兴趣的可以去读一下。大体是说,预测是利用科学原理,事实数据和逻辑推演来获知以后会发生什么,是科学的。而预言是说,如果我们继续...,我们不去...,未来就会***,是哲学的。作者不相信宿命论,他认为预言是有着积极意义的,是鼓励我们为了以后作出改变的。视频的作者绝对不是为了渲染阴谋论,绝对不是为了制造恐慌。 作者是想要呼唤人们的良知,呼唤善良的人们反抗这种阴谋,反抗制定这些阴谋的人。
作者举了一个例子。阿凡达电影中,一个女飞行员受命去轰炸灵魂之树。 但是她将在按下发射之前,她说:我从军可不是为了这个! 然后就放弃发射返航了。作者指出,要完成这个可怕的计划,需要许多菌方人员,擎爆人员的配合。但是在那个所谓的“新秩序”里,显然没有位置给这些人。作者呼吁,如果你是菌方或者擎爆部门的人,接触到了这个计划,请不要配合执行他,请不要忘了自己的本心。
我想这个过程将是残酷的,那一小撮人掌控着资本,武力,掌控着媒体,掌控着文娱,掌控着话语权,表面看他们掌控了一切。他们不会轻言放弃。为了反抗极权,为了全人类的自由,为了皿煮,为了人人平等无论贫富, 卒,敏族,总角,我要说出大家耳熟能详的,“全世界的***,联合起来”,我要说田岸们城楼上的第二句话。而我相信,提出来命运共同体的最上面,也是这么想的。
online_member 发表于 2023-1-19 14:10:18 | 显示全部楼层
窃以为这样的解读背离了Bill Ryan以及爆料人的初衷,实际上是在迎合负面实体们的作为。不要忘了,无论爆料人还是Bill Ryan,他们都是白人。这是涉及全人类福祉的信息,也应该站在超越种族的立场来看待,我们也不能被“民族主义”概念裹挟,需要对所有的生物武器持批判态度,不论相关研究出自哪个国家。视频后面部分,Bill阐述了灵性提升概念,这也是关键所在,所以关注此话题的朋友,务必找到原视频,并把它看完。下面的链接是外网部分,据说有人把它搬到国内网站bilibili来了,但最后又被删除。评论里有一位朋友把视频存下了,请找他要相关资料。
https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=d86DRn7T098这个视频是Project Camelot于10年前发布的,它主要根据一位英国退休军官的爆料信息,由Bill口述而成。在Project Camelot的网站,刊登了这位爆料者的全文信件。信件内容大抵和视频类似,但也有一些信息未被包含在视频之中,主要是这位军官看待世界的方式,从更大的层面来解释该阴谋,比如外星人与这些事件的联系,金字塔的建造,人类的历史等等。应该说军官的信息可能存在一定扭曲,但大体与“一的法则”相应,所以个人觉得这部分信息同样非常重要,有助于读者从更高的层面理解现实,如果能对照“一的法则”去解读,将再好不过。而Bill在视频里,也加入了自己对灵性的一些理解,这点同样难得,因此,视频和原信件可谓相得益彰,有意了解相关信息的朋友,不该忽略任何一部分。
关于“China will catch a cold“,是否现在发生的事件就是爆料的验证,且留待读者们自己判断。病毒是人工或者自然,存在许许多多的争论,我只想提醒朋友们,军方的隐秘技术比起民间,提前了很多很多年,所以我们根据发表的文章或者各种学术机构的技术对病毒进行分析,并不一定能发现人工痕迹,得到的结论难免偏颇。更何况,如果有外星实体参与,岂是我们这些普通人类科学家能解读清楚的?既然人类都不一定是完全“自然进化”而成,讨论病毒是“自然”或是“人工”,实际上没有太大的意义。
如果您看了视频与原信件之后,只停留在恐惧与不安中,请接着阅读灵性书籍或者灵媒资料,比如Don与Carla的”UFO揭秘” 与“一的法则”。我们需要时刻提醒自己,一切终将变好,死亡不是终结,灾难与阴谋亦当等闲视之。
Project Camelot 关于盎格鲁撒克逊计划的原文如下,本来想自己翻译出来,但发现“翼浴深寒“已经完成此工作,这里给出相关链接,因为国内朋友可能打不开网站,我把文字转贴过来,有一部分内容比较敏感,我会用图片代替文字。
The Anglo Saxon Mission_______________________________________________
The Anglo Saxon Mission - The Timeline - Letter from a Whistleblower...
Los Angeles, March 2010 | .pdf |
Reprinted below is a copy of a letter sent to Kerry Cassidy for publication in order to provide a more comprehensive view of the Anglo-Saxon Mission as well as events surrounding these revelations that have not until now, been released to the public. This release augments the original interview and video commentary by Bill Ryan presented on Project Camelot under the title The Anglo-Saxon Mission. The letter below has not been edited or revised in any way by Kerry Cassidy and is presented here for the first time.
下面转录的文字来自爆料者发给Kerry Cassidy的信件,在此全文转载,以助于读者了解盎格鲁撒克逊计划的全貌,它包含了与此计划相关的各种事件,直到今日,它们才第一次进入公众视野。Project Camerlot通过Bill Ryan制作的采访以视频方式发布,取名为“盎格鲁撒克逊计划”,而下面公布的信件可以看作原视频的加料内容。Kerry Cassidy并没有对该信件进行任何编辑与修改,这也是它首次公开发表。(这一小段我自己写的,后面的翻译来自“翼浴深寒”)
By the time I had become aware of the Timeline I had already travelled all over the world with the UK military and was involved in many conflicts, and had witnessed many mind changing events some of which are difficult describe in any sensible manner.

One the most difficult events to rationalise was a gathering that took place in 1975 that involved Admiral Hill-Norton, who was then, I believe, Chairman of the NATO Committee. I cannot go into the detail of this since to do so might compromise the Official Secrets Act. Suffice to say this event was pivotal and key to later events in providing evidence for the existence of the Anglo-Saxon Mission or better described as the Timeline. Therefore, no more can be publicly said about this event, other than to state that this Timeline was very much in existence 35 years ago, backed up by a very creditable insider, later referred to as ‘CW’ and from what I witnessed personally.

During 1980’s, due to certain personal career events, which I am not yet able to disclose, I could establish beyond any simple suspicion, that a future wartime government of the UK will be conservative, right wing in nature, and of high ranking military office, not civilian, with the officer cadre from all 3 services properly inducted to be in obedient support. I felt at the time that we would soon be in an extended state world wide armed conflict, where this type of totalitarian/military Government would be put in place.

I continued on with my military career and was now project working with various military contractors such as BAE, Westland, and Plessey & Marconi Systems. It was during this time that I was introduced into the future naval weapons programmes then running in the late 80’s and early 90’s. However, by then, I was totally disillusioned and really did feel that ultra-right wing hands were at hard at work manipulating people and events. Again, what CW had told me (CW was insider, known since 1975 and whose identity still needs to be protected) previously told me came back with more solidity than I could have imagined.

In effect CW was turning out to be right, and in effect, I had a major mindset change as I knew that everything I was told was based on ordinary people being kept compliant and ignorant.
我继续我的军旅生涯,与各种不同的军事承包商,如BAE,Westland,Plessey & Marconi系统从事着现在的项目。在此期间,我被介绍到未来海军装备项目,此项目在80年代末和90年代初迅速运作。那时,我完全醒悟过来,真的感到极右翼的手在如此冷酷无情地操纵着人民和各种事件。另外,CW 告诉我(CW是内幕消息人士,我自1975年以来认识他,其身份仍然需要保护)预先告诉我,比我更所能想象的更可靠。

Cape Wrath Scotland
Anyway, these future weapons in themselves, I must say, were not remarkable. They are of the kind anyone could read about in the glossy monthly defence industry magazines. However, due to my combat experience I was sent to various weapon testing ranges in the UK, mostly at Cape Wrath in the North of Scotland. My job, with many others of my rank, was to conduct range tracking exercises against aerial targets. At the time we were using development stage surveillance and fire control radars to see if we could detect and lock-up small very fast moving targets coming in from high altitude. We used a whole series of targets from fast jets to unmanned drones, to artillery shells.

On one occasion, during these range trials, I was on one weapons desk and a BAE civilian technician (in the military we called such civilian technicians, ‘Boffins’) was on another weapons desk with much different equipment. This time there was much more pre-exercise setting up than usual before the target run in. So it was some time before we got the normal, ‘Range Clear, Start Recording’ to commence the exercise. My job, as always, was to get the best possible use out of the equipment for analysis.

This is where things started to get weird. The target, whatever it was, since I wasn’t told, was not detected on the equipment I was operating. However, the BAE technician, the ‘Boffin’, did ‘see’ the target on his equipment and was voice reporting target information. To cut a long story short: The target came in from an extremely high altitude, which I later deduced (time/speed/distance) had to be in excess of 200 miles, i.e., coming in from outside the earth atmosphere and at an incomprehensible velocity, and most certainly outside spectrum of the kit I was operating. Now, this wasn’t some sort of UFO as the ground operators were actually talking, clearly, to someone inside the target throughout the exercise. Later the ‘Boffin’ said, “don’t worry, its one of ours!” I recall saying, “Thank f**k for that! because I didn’t see a Scooby!” He said, “Well, you were not meant to see anything and if you did, then we would have had some serious snags”. Later, I thought, I had been engaged in a tracking exercise against a missile with an extremely low radar echoing area, launched from a platform in orbit. This was not so since, as I discovered, the target was most definitely piloted, manoeuvring, and came to an abrupt stop at the end of the range. I instinctively knew better to ask anymore questions about this. Instead I was more resolved to see if I could pick the bloody thing up on my kit – as a matter of professional pride. I never managed to pick it up. We conducted several more runs against this type of target and it sounded as if there was more than one of them and not just the same target repeating the runs.

You will realise by now I am taking about something akin to what is termed ‘Black Projects’. The type of target that I was engaged against was apparently over 30 years in development and this is by the early 90’s; under joint project control by BAE and other well known defence contractors. These ‘targets’ are known only to a select few; however, as I later discovered, that some officers, above the rank of Lieutenant Commander, have most definitely been briefed on them. As a career military officer I was witnessing war winning technology at work and was pleased we had this sort of kit in our armoury. But once more, things began to get a bit strange, and what follows still remains difficult for me to properly describe:

After the last Cape Wrath exercise (I did many) I was bussed down to Glasgow for the flight back down south to England. On the way to Glasgow the bus diverted to a place near the town of Ayr, on the West Scottish coast, about 30 odd miles from Glasgow.

There we were taken to room in an ordinary looking red sandstone tenement type building. Inside the room we were introduced to a group of uniformed people. The uniforms were black military looking flight suits with silver insignia on the collars. These were silver bars, not unlike US military rank insignia. However, they were not from the US. They all spoke with crystal clear English accents. It soon donned on me that we were now in the company of the pilots of the same craft used in the range exercises - due to the ensuing discussions that took place, which was a kind of post exercise de-briefing.

The pilots were all relaxed, very friendly and radiated extremely good health. One of them, a very healthy looking middle aged man, took time with me to reassure me that all this was quite normal. He must have noticed that I was nervous and new to all this.

Also, in the same room were other people. These were young males and females, wearing some sort of uniform, but not the same uniforms as the pilots. They (I think?) wore blue coveralls, making what were clearly goodbyes to others (families?) who were present with them. This ‘goodbye’ scene was actually quite emotional albeit quite surreal. The middle aged pilot mentioned they were going up for spell. He pointed upwards with a finger as he said this. I was then given what I can only describe as an instant telepathic vision that I knew must have come from him. This was a vivid description of the interior of a circular vehicle with the same people, the ones in the room making their goodbyes, sat inside the craft and whishing up through the atmosphere to dock with a massive structure in space - still with the earth in full view. In this structure I briefly saw what I know to be Greys glancing at us and then completely ignoring us. He then said, “This is how we get around and everyone is a volunteer and no one is forced to do this”. He strongly emphasised this point. I must say that I felt this person, the middle aged pilot, to be quite benevolent and understanding. He knew I was balking at the thought of going into space and seeing aliens and he understood this. I had a kind of quasi-religious feeling from this man; he simply emanated complete understanding and care. I can’t remember how long we stayed there in the building, but I recall feeling very much at peace afterwards – as if it was indeed all was very normal, but knowing at the same time - it most certainly was not.

I went back to my normal naval duties with very little inclination of what I had witnessed was in any way fantastic. However, towards the end of my military career I became very stressed to the point of having a breakdown. I thought it was all the conflicts I had been through or my difficult personal life, but somewhere in my mind was this vision of this massive structure in space, vividly dreaming I was regularly going back there. These dreams became very intrusive, but thankfully stopped some time ago. Together with this and the other knowledge I had - I knew my story was hopelessly and ridiculously unbelievable. How can anyone talk about such things? This is what upset me most: knowledge that I could not possibly talk to anyone about.
苏格兰Cape Wrath

即使如此,这些未来的武器本身,我必须说,并没有什么不寻常,是任何人都能在国防工业杂志上看见的。然而,由于我的战斗经验,我被送到英国的各种武器试验靶场,主要在苏格兰北部的Cape Wrath(拉斯角,地名)。我的工作是与许多其他同事一起,是对一系列空中目标进行跟踪演习。当时我们使用的是发展阶段的监视和火控雷达,看看我们是否能发现并锁定来自高海拔的非常小和快速移动的目标。我们使用一系列目标做测试,从疾速喷气式飞机到无人驾驶飞机,甚至包括炮弹。
这就是事情开始变得怪异之处。这个目标,不管它是什么,因为我没有被告知,没有在我丄操作装备中被侦测出来。不过,航天技术员,这“研究员”通过他的装备“看见”目标,并且他口头报告目标信息。...长话短说吧:目标是来自一个非常高的海拔,我后来推论(时间/速度/距离),绝对超过200英里,以一种令人难以置信的速度从地球大气层以外进入,并且非常确定是处于我操作的设备的光谱之外。现在,这不是某种像地面操作员说的不明飞行物,显然,在整个演习期间一直隐藏着一个内部目标。后来,这个“研究员”说:“不要担心,它是我们的。” 我记得他说:“真TM谢天谢地!因为我没看见史酷比!“他说:”嗯,如果你没有看见什么,是因为你不打算看到任何东西,不然我们将有一些严重的障碍。” 后来我想,我一直以来从事于以导弹和非常低范围的雷达回波为目标的跟踪演习,这是从一个轨道平台发射的。但这并非如此,因为我发现,这个目标绝对是有人驾驶的,被部署的,在“射程”的尽头突然停止。我本能地意识到最好再问问这个问题。我下决心要看看我的设备能不能侦测到那东西——因为这关系到一个职业尊严问题,但我从来没成功过。我们又进行过几次这种类型的移动目标试验靶测试,不仅是同一个目标重复运行,它听起来好像有一个以上。
在Cape Wrath的演习(我做了很多次演练)之后,我乘坐大巴到格拉斯哥,要赶航班南下返回英格兰。在前往格拉斯哥的途中,大巴转到艾尔镇附近一个地方,在苏格兰西部海岸,离格拉斯哥大约30英里。
此外,在同一房间内还有其他人,这些年轻男性和女性,穿着和飞行员不同的制服。他们穿着蓝色的工作裤,(我认为)正在和另外一些人(家人?)做告别,这“再见”场面确实显得相当感人,尽管好像梦幻一般。那个中年飞行员提到说他们当时是要去上面工作一段时间,他用手指向上,我当时仿佛像是出现了一个即时的心灵感应画面,我确定是从他而来的,这是一个栩栩如生的圆形飞船内部,里面有一些人和他们一样的人,他们正在作告别,坐在里面,同时伴随着呼呼声的飞船穿过大气层,与一个太空中的大型母船对接——从那里看地球显得一目了然。在这个太空母船里我看见灰人,他们只是朝我们瞟了一眼,然后完全无视我们的存在。他(中年飞行员)接着说:“这就是我们如何旅行的,并且每个人都是志愿者,没有人是被强迫这样做的。” 他特别强调了这一点。我必须说,我觉得这个中年飞行员相当善解人意。他知道我对进入太空和见到外星人这类想法有点畏缩,他理解这一点。我能从这个男人身上感觉到宗教情怀,他只是简单地发出全心的关怀和理解。我不记得我们在房间里呆了多久,但我记得那种非常平静的感受——如果它确实是真实的和正常的,但我在那时候明白——这些事情肯定是不寻常的。

Over Government
1999. Now a civilian after a long naval career, reaching middle officer rank, I took up a senior post within a City of London institution, which I felt fortunate to get since London was my home town. I was directed to and recommended for this job by my last Commanding Officer, a Commodore, who seemed to have some high connections in the City. I realise now that I was forwarded for this job because I was, ‘in the know’ and a, ‘safe pair of hands’ - someone who could be trusted. (They assumed I was a Mason) Soon after starting with the City I was invited to become an associate member with various City of London Livery Company’s. I felt that I was being elevated into the City’s inner circles, which indeed Livery Companies are. However, I decided, in my defence, to keep myself to myself. None the less, I was always invited to dinners whose guest list was a ‘whose who’. These were mostly well known people from the world banking community, well known politicians together with and serving and ex-serving military. This was a real ‘band of brothers’ and I knew many of them on a first name basis. It was at these dinners and other social events that I realised I was being ‘vetted’ by them. For my part, I played the role very well and was soon incorporated as a trusted senior City employee, with middle rank – so I knew my place, as it were, and was accorded their trust.

What I picked up immediately from this ‘band of brothers’ is their cold disdain for the ordinary lives people live, as if the general public mattered little, unless they were employed by them. (Those in their employ are very obedient and servile) This ‘band’ all operated as if they were governing the country, which indeed they were doing dealing with events with extraordinary persuasive weight, wielding power through making direct - mostly financial decisions that were repeated exactly, as they determined, to the so called ‘elected’ government in Parliament. They always exude a kind of overwhelming power, so much so, that being in their company, for any length of time, is really not for the faint hearted.

It soon became apparent that the government of the UK is directed from the City’s Financial Institutions, to which I was connected and also the Livery Company Buildings, the Guildhall, (the City’s HQ) and Mansion House. (Mansion House is the traditional seat of the Masonic elected Lord Mayor of London)

The guise for all this is very simple. The City is historically independent from anything emanating from the outside. No government body regulates or audits their activity. They are a law unto themselves, answerable to no one, save themselves, or the Monarch who is revered by the City with a Goddess like passion. Anyone, and this became clear, operating at any significant level of management in the City’s financial and government structure is a Mason and every meeting, social or otherwise, will always be an extension of Livery Company Masonic dealing. The more one delves into their activity, and I have, the more one can see that the City is very much like the Vatican. That is a tiny City state with an obscure power wielding political structure, dating back more than 1500 years with no recognisable change save the passage of time. I personally believe, unquestionably, that the City of London extends its power over the other major world financial centres with anecdotal evidence that the City controls the US Federal Reserve. I feel no one should be surprised that all political and financial power is held firmly within the City of London.

1999年,在经过长期的海军生涯后我成为普通平民,够得上做中层级别的政府官员,在伦敦金融城(City of London)的某机构里我获得一个高级职位,我感到幸运,因为伦敦是我的家乡。这个任职是由我的最后一任指挥官推荐的,一位海军准将,他似乎在伦敦有一些非常高阶的人脉关系。现在我知道我是被调派来做这份工作的,因为我属于“知情人”,和一个“安全的左右手”——能被某些人信任的人。(他们当我是一个共济会成员)之后不久我就受邀请成为伦敦同业者公会会员。我觉得我正在被纳入伦敦金融区的内部圈子中,的确伦敦同业者公会正是这个圈子。不过,我决定低调行事,以保自己。尽管如此,我总是出现在那些宴会嘉宾的一长串名单中。这些人大多来自世界知名银行界人士,知名政治家和现役军官,以及退休军官。这是一个真正的“兄弟会”,只要听过姓氏我就知道他们是谁了。正是由于这些宴会和一些社交,我意识到我是正在被他们“审核”。就我而言,我很好地扮演了自己的角色,很快就被认为是一个值得信赖的资深的金融城雇员,中层级的——所以我知道我的位置,就正如它本来那样,并且得到他们信任。

The Timeline
In late 2005 I attended what I thought was a normal 3 monthly City security & financial planning meeting since the usual crowd were emailed listed for attendance. The meeting turned out to be something entirely different. To my surprise (shock) this was very much a Masonic level meeting instead. No notes taken - word of mouth only.

At the meeting mention was made that the Timeline for war against Iran was being delayed to a point where other contingencies had to be put in place. Contingencies were then mentioned, in quite a matter of fact fashion. First was the Israeli reluctance to strike and provoke Iran into armed action and that Israel promised action that action would soon take place in order to provoke the required Iranian military response. (Israel soon after attacked Iranian backed Hizbollah bases in the Lebanon) That was my first surprise. The second was mention of Japanese reluctance to create havoc within the fledging Chinese financial sectors. China was growing too quickly with the Chinese military the being main beneficiary. The third surprise was open talk about the use of biological weapons – when they would be used since timing appeared to be crucial. Then there was more talk centred on how Iran must be engaged militarily in order to provoke the desired military response from China. The talk continued about how long conventional weapons should be used, knowing they would be hopeless against a Chinese military onslaught in the region. It soon transpired that they were not making decisions. They were discussing something that had already been planned and so they were simply sharing that information between themselves. It also became clear that the central issue of the meeting was when the ‘balloon’ would go up. Further issues dealt with finances, the moving of resources and protection of assets and the central control of these resources: the bringing in outlying assets. I recall the chain/sequence of events, which ran something like this:

They needed either the Iranians or the Chinese to be guilty of first use nuclear weapons in order to justify the next stage. (My information shows that the Iranians do indeed have a tactical nuclear capability) The next stage would be a measured regional nuclear response, enough to cause an immediate ceasefire. This ceasefire would create the time needed to put in place unified totalitarian western governments. Thereafter, or concurrent, biological weapons would be used against the Chinese population. This would then set of another chain of events that would collapse the whole Chinese political and social infrastructure. This was mentioned as: Disease, followed by wide spread food shortages, followed by mass starvation. Somehow, this would then cause the Chinese military to attack eastern Russia. The biological agents were described as being flu like and would spread like wild fire. It shocks and sickens me to describe these events. It shocks me even more to know that plausible events are being manipulated to cause the extinction of a whole part of the human race.

The evidence was clear. There does indeed exist a Timeline for future conflict that this country, the UK, was using this as some sort of world government business plan and many millions would die as a result. The plan is openly described in these circles as the Anglo Saxon Mission.

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For those living in the UK
Interestingly, the meeting was attended by a former Commissioner for Police (name withheld). His role, it became clear, is gaining enough legislation to empower the private security industry to enable him to be head of what he himself called: ‘The Greater Policing Community’ to control dissidence within the UK population. Few people realise, that, at this moment, there are some 500.000 people working in the UK private security industry. Fewer still realise this industry has already been empowered through government backed public control policing powers, linked to the Public Order Act. This Parliamentary Act of police empowerment is currently being extended to include more powers such a direct powers of arrest and detention - the same as those currently being sought for Community Police Officers and Civil Enforcement Officers.

In time of war Britain will become a totalitarian police state headed by a military government empowered through the City of London. I can be certain of this, and to which, people living in the UK remain, by and large, oblivious.

Just to re-cap
The above can only be considered as simply a background briefing, knowing that its contents can be checked and easily verified by those with the will to do so. However to be clear:

Iran will soon be attacked, possibly within 18 months of writing this.
China will come to the aid of Iran to protect its own interests.
Nuclear weapons will be used by either Iran or China, with Israel provoking their first use.
Much of the Middle East will be laid to waste. Millions will die in a very short period of time.
China will forcibly move into parts of Russia to extend ‘ceasefire’ lines.
Biological weapons will be deployed against China. ‘China will catch a cold’.
There is some sort of malevolent ET alliance at work, profitably being used by the UK, US and other western powers, including Japan. Refer to ‘Black Projects’.
I also understand that other, more humanitarian ET entities are working against this Timeline and are, somehow, maintaining a precarious balance without taking any direct intervention themselves.

盎格鲁撒克逊计划是真的么?50 / 作者:毒茹医人俚 / 帖子ID:105887

I have more to add to this
The western powers are actively seeking a ‘perfect war’ and have been engaged in doing so throughout the 20th century up to present times. WWI and WWII were simply stepping stones - both pre-determined and successful. The next Great War is now just round the corner. This war will significantly reduce the world’s population, possibly by half, in a very short period of time. This ‘over government’ feels this course of action to be wholly righteous and is pursuing this action with astonishing determination.

For my part I feel that I have contributed in some way to all this happening, more so, since I knew about this many years ago, but failed to see its full significance- a denial on my part no doubt. There is only so much that a person can take in not unless one willingly gives over their own spirit to their cause – the greatest of evils.

Stay with me on this… The wider picture remains to me quite unclear. None the less, I have ‘seen’ what will become of the physical shape of this world in a few short years to come. The over-government knows this too and is using this Timeline as way of preparation. They know that the survivors from what is about to happen will determine the physical future of mankind on this planet for millennia to come. They see this as a race against time before time itself prevents them. You see, they are governed by time, while most everyone else living on this planet is not. I discovered this phenomena some time ago and came to understand why those involved with this over government are desperate not be caught in the present moment. They can’t stand still and must at all costs keep striving towards their own manufactured goals. By doing so they are corralling everyone else, sheep like, into pens. The fuel they use to do this is fear.

The wider picture I mentioned, while much of it still remains unclear to me, is most definitely signalling a massive geo-physical change, a change that is very much like the seasons albeit a season that only occurs once in every 11500 years. Those in over government are very much aware of this ‘season’ and are driven to survive this change with their bloodline intact and to remain in overall control, very much as it is now.

One big question, to those awake to this change, is when will happen? Personally, I have little idea of an exact time other than it will be soon. I regard precise timings, such as 21st Dec 2012, with much suspicion. However, I say soon. Soon, to me, is something that is highly likely to happen in my own lifetime. I say this since I was here during the last season of change and see again, quite clearly, a chain of events that cannot be confused with anything other than this change taking place again - soon.

Before this change happened last time, 11500 years ago, there was much warning from those who were coming and going between space to earth. These people were very much part of the human race at the time and not regarded as Gods. They had always been here and were, by and large, though not always, quite compassionate in nature. They lived among us and shared what they could, being able to do so, since the population then living on earth was far fewer in number since people then lived to very old age – compared to the 3 score and 10 of today. Then the visible changes were noted as the earth magnetic poles drifting further and further away from true north and south. This caused seasonal differences that badly affected agriculture and living conditions, causing many of the larger settlements to migrate away from both Polar Regions. Incidentally, the space travelling people were known then as the, ‘Alhoo’ (that’s how it sounds) The Alhoo went to great lengths to ensure that as many people as possible would survive the change. There was no discrimination as to who would be saved. Additionally, around this time, other ET races appeared on earth. Some of these races interfered with the preparations being made by the Alhoo causing much disruption, which finally led to open conflict both in space and here on earth. This was a battle of domination that continued right up until the earth’s surface finally changed its position. This is when the earths crust shifted some 30 degrees towards the south. It is worth knowing that the Alhoo came back to earth afterwards, but, unfortunately, only remnants of the civilisation they had built was left, scattered along the coastal regions of the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans. It should also be known that the Alhoo were not suited to life on earth and so never became permanent residents. They came, stayed a while and then went, very much like visiting parents. Now, after the last change, came the other races, some able to live more comfortably on the planet. The pre-dominant race was reptilian and did not resemble any human made after the Alhoo. It is the reptilian residency that was to mark the new season that had just begun in the aftermath of the change. These people were not kind or compassionate and far less spiritual in nature. They were cold and demanding, regarding fear and total respect from the human survivors as values. I shall come back to this period later.

在此之前发生的最后一次变化是在1.15万年以前,那时同样有来自外太空的生命,给地球人类带来大范围的警告。他们是人类种族的一部分而非上帝,他们一直在这里,在我们身边,尽管不是全部但基本上是富有同情心的。他们住在我们中间并分享他们所有,他们之所以能够这么做,因为那时地球上的人口远远少于今天的地球人口,和今天相比大概是3比10,并且寿命比较长。后来有明显的变化被注意到了,由于地球磁极转移进一步远离真正的北极和南极,这造成的季节和气候紊乱,严重影响了农业和居住条件,也成为了大部分的定居点开始往远离极地地区迁移的原因。顺便说一下,当时有一个空间旅行的人类种族被称为“Alhoo”(这是它的发音),Alhoo人不遗余力希望确保尽可能多的人口在将要来的改变中能够幸存,并且他们的拯救方式是无差别的(译注:就是任何人都被考虑在内)。此外,在那段时间,其他外星人种族也出现在地球上。这些种族中有一些希望破坏和干扰Alhoo人的安排,造成了很大混乱,从而最终导致了在太空里的和在地球上的公开冲突。这是一个统治权的战争,一直持续到地球表面终于改变方位(译注:指地极转移),那时地壳向南移动了约30度。还应该知道,当 Alhoo人回到地球后,不幸的是,仅仅剩下他们建立的文明的残余部分,稀稀拉拉的分散在大西洋和太平洋沿岸地区。他们回来,停留了一会又走了,就像是回家看望父母一样。现在,上一次大转变之后来了其他种族,有一些种族在地球住得很舒适.先前占主导地位的就是爬虫族,他们不像其他人类那样追随Alhoo人,那是在地球改变后爬虫族刚刚开始适应他们新的环境。这些人类不是友好和慈悲的,其性质在精神上是远远落后。他们冷酷和强制,价值标准完全是以与恐惧有关的幸存为考量的。我随后再来谈这个问题。

The Pyramids of Giza
As part of the preparations for the coming change, the Alhoo built what is now known as the Giza Complex, just outside Cairo. This site was built well in advance of the change and took just 5 years to complete with most of the effort going into planning rather than construction. These pyramids contained every example of Alhoo technology, serving principally as a beacon that could be heard far in space, providing a vast/diverse range of geo-physical information regarding the real time state of the earth. This meant that the Alhoo could remain in space and ‘listen’ to what was happening on the surface. Other less known sites were constructed on a ‘belt’, crossing the continents at latitudes 60 degrees north and south of the equator. I knew about this then as did most other people alive at the time. There was an ‘energy’ that our civilisation would physically survive the coming change. Much discussion has ranged over what type of technology was used to construct the Giza complex. It wasn’t ropes, tackles and muscle. It was sound. Everything has a frequency - even stone. Stones were cut and lifted just by tapping into the frequencies contained within. Nothing more was needed. More than this the pyramids were self illuminating and shone brightly throughout the night. All this was possible just by changing the frequency. I will add, for sake of argument, that the pyramids fell into disrepair, though misuse, thousands of years before the Pharaohs came into power. Cheops did not build them; he and others attempted a repair without knowing fully the original purpose of the complex. I feel this is important to know.

I am asked what life was like before the change and while the Alhoo were present together with mankind?

There were 2 main cities situated on the North Antarctic coast. The first and oldest city was called Charmaran with a population of around 300,000 souls. The second city was called Charmaran Te, whose population was far more. This newer city resembled a mountain from the distance since it was building upon building rising high - almost into the clouds. Both cities were separated by a mountain range and both enjoyed temperate weather conditions throughout the year. There were very little differences in the seasons, very much like the South Africa of today. This means of course that the Antarctic land mass was situated further to the north in those days. Life was based around subsisting on agriculture and maritime trading mostly from the east from the lands where India and China now are. This was a healthy trade that lasted many thousands of years with communities on both sides of the world developing together with very little effort. However, the Charmarans were quite spiritually evolved. This was mostly due to the patient influence of the Alhoo. Therefore, other human communities were very much attracted to them but were not allowed to cross breed. This was forbidden by the Alhoo, simply because of the time it would take to develop those other communities to a similar level enjoyed by the Charmarans. I am reminded that long life was apparent throughout the world in those days and having children, though welcome, was quite a rare occasion. It was not unusual for someone to live healthily for over a 1000 years. Try to imagine your physical body continually renewing itself in a healthy mature condition until such times that the spirit must move on. 1000 years here on earth is quite enough time for any soul.

The short life span of this age is a by product of a further cross fertilisation processes conducted by the reptilians. However, physical life span is not such an important issue. I can tell you, however, that mankind is able to live long lives, as before, if simple measures were taken to readjust the human DNA.

在位于北南极海岸有2个主要城市。第一个也是最古老的城市被称为“查尔玛兰”(Charmaran),拥有大约30万灵魂的居民。第二个城市被称为“查尔玛兰-提”(Charmaran Te),其人口更加多,这座新的城市像一座直插云宵的山,因为它是一层层往上建的——几乎进入云层。这两个城市被山脉隔开,全年都享受着温带一样气候条件,季节的差异不大,非常像今天的南非。这意味着,位于南极陆地的区域在那些日子里处于更北的位置。其生活方式是以农业和海上贸易为主,贸易伙伴是来自现在为印度和中国的东方大陆。这个兴旺发达的贸易持续了数千年,他们很容易就达成了世界共同发展和双方社区的繁荣。无论如何,“查尔玛兰人”(Charmarans)在精神上是相当进化的。这主要是归功于非常有耐心的Alhoo人的影响和感化。因此,他们吸引着其他的人类群体,但人种的杂交是不被允许,这是被Alhoo人禁止的,原因仅仅是因为那个时候,其他社区将很容易就发展到和享有与“查尔玛兰人”类似的水平(译注:不太好翻,意思可能是不希望其他种群因为和查尔玛兰人混种,而直接获得来之不易的精神层次或文明水平)。我想到那个时代显然整个世界的人平均寿命会很长,在那些时代里生孩子,虽然受到欢迎,但相当难得。一个健康的人活过1000年是普遍的。试着想像你的物质身体在不断地自我更新到一个健康成熟的状态,以让心灵在这个长的时间跨度里继续前进。1000年对于地球上任何灵魂来说,是相当充足的时间。

Who are these reptilians?
11500 years ago not much was known about the reptilian looking race other than they shared knowledge of space through time travel with other races such as the Alhoo of earth. What became apparent is their low spiritual development and disdain for anything they feel is weak, even among their own kind. As I mentioned their lives are determined by time. They are not aware of a timeless present due to their low level of conscious awareness. However, this low level of conscious awareness is superbly masked by their ability to live extremely long lives and the ease at which they can control anyone who comes into contact with them. The live on fear and are energised/empowered through this. The reptilians became the dominant controlling entity on earth because of their abilities to sustain themselves here. The Alhoo, while they have never left, can never be permanently resident. However, it must be known that the Alhoo do live through us since we are them and they are us. We are no different from the Alhoo when all is said and done. The Alhoo are essentially now space dwellers and are far in advance of the reptilians. Now, the reptilians know very well that the Alhoo started civilisation here on earth doing so through the early human forms and that we, the current form of humankind, look and think very much like them. They also know that we have a level of conscious awareness that can be easily affected through fear in order to gain our compliance. That fear network has been with us and developed by them throughout this current age. All through this present time the reptilians have held kingship over mankind, dominating and controlling all aspects of our physical lives on earth. This age has been marked by them as one of continual conflict and forced manipulation shaped by fear. The Alhoo have been aware of this, but to them, as it is to us, time means nothing at all. Time is meaningless even in the physical world we think we know so well. Now, the Alhoo will change this experience once it has seen itself out. The reptilian experience is about to end and of course they do not wish it to end and are trying extremely hard to ensure it doesn’t. They cannot and will not, understand that their experience here is transitory. They believe it is eternal, since they are unable, at any level, to comprehend otherwise.

We are very shortly about to enter into this period of change, where the earth’s crust will displace another 30 degrees southwards, doing so during a 24 hour period, or a day and night, if you understand this. Before this comes about, and it will happen quite suddenly, the reptilians will cause the war I mentioned before. The destructive nature of this conflict will reduce the earth’s population by around half. The earth’s displacement will further reduce the population by about half again. There are some who think this will be a good thing since they have lived their physical life experience through the reptilian mind and not their own. That will change to. Throughout the world people are becoming more and more aware of themselves and giving themselves time to think away from the fear generated by their rulers, whether they are democratically elected or not. People now are more aware than they have been since the last change that took place 11,500 years ago. They recall who they are and what they know to be as spiritual beings first and infinite as opposed to being physical beings with one life only – that being this life. That awareness will spread leading to the probability that all power held by the reptilians will be lost leaving them very isolated but more physically dangerous than ever. No matter, their time here will pass suddenly. Will they move on? I do not yet know. All I know is that they will lose the power of fear over mankind and by doing so lose any level of power they now hold.

So, another new age will come to earth with the Alhoo returning as they did before. They will enjoy, with us, all that is known of our conscious existence that is infinite, something we know to be and is. Fear will be gone and our humanity will once more return. A new Golden Age? No, not quite. Life on earth will remain difficult and painful in human form, but it will be lived without fear and can be a most rewarding experience that will brighten the spark of our infinite selves.

Enough for now I think.

Another version of the above letter was originally sent to both Kerry Cassidy and Bill Ryan of Project Camelot including personal details that have now been removed by the sender. The content is unaltered by the whistleblower in any other way except to protect his identity. The above letter was provided to Kerry Cassidy for publication upon her request about a week ago.
Kerry Cassidy | March 2010
以上信件的另外一个版本包括作者的个人信息在内最初发给了卡米洛特工程的Kerry Cassidy和Bill Ryan,现在都已被发件人移除。除非是为 了保护作者身份,信件内容没有任何修改。上述信件根据她的要求由Kerry Cassidy在一个星期前发布。
Kerry Cassidy | 2010年3月


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盎格鲁撒克逊计划是真的么?341 / 作者:毒茹医人俚 / 帖子ID:105887
online_member 发表于 2023-1-19 14:10:32 | 显示全部楼层
以下摘自  Project Camelot | The Anglo-Saxon Mission  (发表于2010年2月)
There is a planned Third World War, which will be nuclear and biological. Our source believes that this is on track to be initiated within the next 18-24 months.
It is planned to begin with a strike by Israel on Iran. Either Iran or China will be provoked into a nuclear response. After a brief nuclear exchange, there will be a ceasefire. The world will be thrown into fear and chaos - all carefully engineered.
The extreme state of tension will be used to justify heavy social and military controls in all western first world nations. Plans are already in place for that.
During the nuclear ceasefire, there is planned to be a covert release of biological weapons. These will initially be targeted against the Chinese. As our source chillingly told us, "China will catch a cold". Biological warfare will spread further, to the west. Infrastructure will be critically weakened.
This is intended to be just the beginning. After this, a full nuclear exchange would be triggered: the "real" war, with widespread destruction and loss of life. Our source tells us that the planned population reduction through these combined means is 50%. He heard this figure stated in the meeting.
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