发表于 2023-1-24 08:11:00
至于本位面的物理学,大佬们说了很多。现代物理学在 Bohr 的教条下面就世俗的唯象学,不需要三体人封锁都没办法靠粒子对撞机继续把能标加到能测出新东西了。假设有个外星人把搞弦论的都灭了,对数学领域的打击可能比物理学大很多。
<hr/>说句题外话,科学边界里面说的边界永远都是存在的。对于物理学来说,这个边界实际上更加的确定。下面一段话是学阀 Noam Chomsky 说的[1]
Science talks about very simple things, and asks hard questions about them. As soon as things become too complex, science can&#39;t deal with them. The reason why physics can achieve such depth is that it restricts itself to extremely simple things, abstracted from the complexity of the world. As soon as an atom gets too complicated, maybe helium, they hand it over to chemists. When problems become too complicated for chemists, they hand it over to biologists. Biologists often hand it over to the sociologists, and they hand it over to the historians, and so on. But it&#39;s a complicated matter: Science studies what&#39;s at the edge of understanding, and what&#39;s at the edge of understanding is usually fairly simple. And it rarely reaches human affairs. Human affairs are way too complicated. In fact even understanding insects is an extremely complicated problem in the sciences. So the actual sciences tell us virtually nothing about human affairs. Ilya Prigogine 在他的著作中引用了 Leon Rosenfeld 的一段话[2]
原文(Google Books)
我对故事宇宙里面的科学边界组织唯一不满的地方,在于这个宇宙里面似乎没有 Nassim Taleb,所以他们对随机过程和认识论的理解比较肤浅。毕竟火鸡问题和黑天鹅这些都是小把戏,近十年 Taleb 都开始扯重整化群和极值理论了。本民科虽然理论知识比较弱,但是到科学边界这种组织里面做传教士的水平应该比 ETO 还是高很多的 —— 只可惜本位面的传销组织水平没这么弱鸡啊。 |