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BIOL10212 生物化学(Biochemistry)
BIOL10221 分子生物学(Molecular Biology)
BIOL10232 从分子到细胞(From Molecules to Cells)
BIOL10401 实验室科学概论(Introduction to Laboratory Science)
BIOL10511 生物多样性(Biodiversity)
BIOL10521 基因、进化与发展(Genes, Evolution and Development)
BIOL10741 写作和参考技巧(Writing and Referencing Skills)
BIOL12000 健康与安全在线课程(Health & Safety online course)
BIOL10381 生物学史(History of Biology)
BIOL10412 实验生物学导论 - 分子与细胞生物学(Introduction to Experimental Biology - Molecular & Cellular Biology)
BIOL10532 微生物、人类与环境(Microbes, Humankind and the Environment)
BIOL10602 海洋生物学实地课程 I(Field Course in Marine Biology I)
BIOL10622 地中海生物多样性和保护实地课程(Field Course in Mediterranean Biodiversity and Conservation)
BIOL10642 动物行为和多样性实地课程(Field Course in Animal Behaviour and Diversity)
BIOL10662 生态与行为非住宅领域课程(Non-Residential Field Course in Ecology & Behaviour)
BIOL10811 车身系统(Body Systems)
BIOL10822 药物:从分子到人(Drugs: From Molecules to Man)
BIOL10832 可兴奋细胞:神经科学的基础(Excitable Cells: the Foundations of Neuroscience)
CHEM10021 生物科学家化学 1(Chemistry for Bioscientists 1)
CHEM10022 生物科学家化学 2(Chemistry for Bioscientists 2)
CHEM10111 化学基础(Fundamentals of Chemistry)
EART10602 生态学概论(Introduction to Ecology)
HSTM10221 科学与现代世界(Science & the Modern World)
HSTM10272 历史上的机构:医学史导论(Bodies in History: An introduction to the History of Medicine)
BIOL21051 有机生物学电火花(Organismal Biology EDM)
BIOL21392 科学传播(Science Communication)
BIOL21101 基因组维护与调控(Genome Maintenance & Regulation)
BIOL21111 蛋白质(Proteins)
BIOL21121 动态细胞(The Dynamic Cell)
BIOL21132 细胞代谢和代谢控制(Cell Metabolism & Metabolic Control)
BIOL21141 细胞膜结构与功能(Cell Membrane Structure & Function)
BIOL21152 组学技术与资源(`Omic Technologies & Resources)
BIOL21172 发育生物学原理(Principles of Developmental Biology)
BIOL21181 细菌学基础(Fundamentals of Bacteriology)
BIOL21192 传染病学原理(Principles of Infectious Disease)
BIOL21202 未来的植物(Plants for the Future)
BIOL21221 动物多样性(Animal Diversity)
BIOL21232 进化生物学基础(Fundamentals of Evolutionary Biology)
BIOL21242 免疫学(Immunology)
BIOL21252 寄生虫学(Parasitology)
BIOL21272 身体系统 2(Body Systems 2)
BIOL21281 动物生理学(Animal Physiology)
BIOL21291 人体解剖学和组织学(Human Anatomy & Histology)
BIOL21302 临床药物开发(Clinical Drug Development)
BIOL21312 药物与大脑(Drugs & the Brain)
BIOL21321 膜兴奋性:离子通道和转运蛋白的作用(Membrane Excitability: Ion Channels & Transporters in Action)
BIOL21332 电机系统(Motor Systems)
BIOL21341 感觉系统(Sensory Systems)
BIOL21351 人类疾病中的分子和细胞(Molecules and Cells in Human Disease)
BIOL21361 血液学(Haematology)
BIOL21371 有机遗传学(Organismal Genetics)
BIOL21381 病毒学导论(Introduction to Virology)
BIOL21402 特殊感觉器官的解剖(Anatomy of the Special Sense Organs)
BIOL21432 动物行为(Animal Behaviour)
BIOL21442 自然疾病(Disease in Nature)
BIOL21451 如何制作大脑(How to Make a Brain)
BIOL21742 癌症简介(Introduction to Cancer)
CHEM21162 生物分子化学(Chemistry of Biomolecules)
EART21102 环境微生物学(Environmental Microbiology)
EART22101 进化与古生物学(Evolution and Palaeobiology)
EART25001 生态与保育(Ecology and Conservation)
HSTM20031 从霍乱到 COVID-19:全球流行病史(From Cholera to COVID-19: A Global History of Epidemics)
HSTM20092 自然危机:环境史问题(The Crisis of Nature: Issues in Environmental History)
HSTM20282 信息愿景:过去、现在和未来(Information visions: past, present and future)
BIOL31301 后基因组生物学(L)(Post-Genome Biology (L))
BIOL31311 蛋白质组装、动力学和功能 (E)(Protein Assembly, Dynamics & Function (E))
BIOL31321 糖生物学:健康与疾病中的聚糖功能 (E)(Glycobiology: Glycan Function in Health & Disease (E))
BIOL31332 疾病的生化基础 (E)(Biochemical Basis of Disease (E))
BIOL31341 生物系统中的大分子识别(L)(Macromolecular Recognition in Biological Systems (L))
BIOL31351 微生物学当前主题(E)(Current Topics in Microbiology (E))
BIOL31371 高级免疫学(E)(Advanced Immunology (E))
BIOL31381 基因调控与疾病 (E)(Gene Regulation & Disease (E))
BIOL31391 基因、基因组和系统的进化(E)(Evolution of Genes, Genomes & Systems (E))
BIOL31402 人类遗传学与进化(E)(Human Genetics & Evolution (E))
BIOL31411 蛋白质分选 (L)(Protein Sorting (L))
BIOL31441 细胞信号传导 (E)(Cell Signalling (E))
BIOL31451 比较发育生物学(L)(Comparative Developmental Biol (L))
BIOL31461 动物中的化学通讯(L)(Chemical Communication in Animals (L))
BIOL31471 高级行为和进化生态学(E)(Advanced Behavioural and Evolutionary Ecology (E))
BIOL31482 保护生物学(E)(Conservation Biology (E))
BIOL31501 绿色生物技术(E)(Green Biotechnology (E))
BIOL31511 生物相互作用(L)(Biotic Interactions (L))
BIOL31522 生物伦理学:科学与生物医学中的当代问题(E)(Bioethics: Contemporary Issues in Science & Biomedicine (E))
BIOL31541 与气候变化共存 (L)(Living with Climate Change (L))
BIOL31551 人类对生物圈的影响 (E)(Human Impacts on the Biosphere (E))
BIOL31571 高级内分泌学(L)(Advanced Endocrinology (L))
BIOL31582 心血管系统 (E)(Cardiovascular Systems (E))
BIOL31602 毒素、毒物和毒性 (E)(Toxins, Toxicants & Toxicity (E))
BIOL31612 健康与疾病中的神经炎症 (E)(Neuroinflammation in Health & Disease (E))
BIOL31622 健康与疾病中的膜运输和信号传导 (E)(Membrane Transport and Signalling in Health & Disease (E))
BIOL31631 生物医学研究中的成像(E)(Imaging in Biomedical Research (E))
BIOL31651 解剖科学进展 (L)(Advances in Anatomical Sciences (L))
BIOL31671 人类健康的神经药理学(E)(Neuropharmacology of Human Health (E))
BIOL31681 时钟、睡眠与生活节奏 (E)(Clocks, Sleep & the Rhythms of Life (E))
BIOL31692 学习、记忆与认知 (E)(Learning, Memory & Cognition (E))
BIOL31721 荷尔蒙与行为(Hormones & Behaviour)
BIOL31742 癌症分子生物学(E)(Molecular Biology of Cancer (E))
BIOL31751 干细胞 (L)(Stem Cells (L))
BIOL31771 细胞粘附 (L)(Cell Adhesion (L))
BIOL31792 高级寄生虫学(E)(Advanced Parasitology (E))
BIOL31802 免疫反应与疾病 (E)(Immune Response & Disease (E))
BIOL31832 诊断在医学中的作用(Role of Diagnostics in Medicine)
BIOL33021 生物学的计算方法(Computational Approaches to Biology)
CHEM31812 生物过程化学(E)(Chemistry of Biological Processes (E))
EART34001 恐龙古生物学(Dinosaur Palaeobiology)
EART36202 灵长类动物进化与人类起源(Primate Evolution and Human Origins)
HSTM30832 疯狂与社会(Madness and Society)
HSTM31212 核时代:从广岛到今天的全球核威胁(The Nuclear Age: Global Nuclear Threats from Hiroshima to Today)
HSTM32011 从福尔摩斯到 CSI:法医学史(From Sherlock Holmes to CSI: a history of forensic medicine)
HSTM33201 气候变化与社会(Climate Change & Society)
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