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斯特林大学(UoS)辅导|细胞生物学(Cell Biology)

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UoS细胞生物学Cell Biology专业简单介绍

Cell Biology课程编号、课程中文名称
BIOU1CE细胞生物学导论(Introduction to Cell Biology)
ACCU7M1经理的会计和财务(Accounting and Finance for Managers)
AQUU1OP我们的蓝色星球(Our Blue Planet)
BIOU1CE细胞生物学导论(Introduction to Cell Biology)
BIOU1IE生态学:简介(Ecology: An Introduction)
CSCU9P1计算科学概论(Introduction to Computing Science)
ECNU101经济决策和(Economic Decision Making and)
EDUU9E1教育概论:哲学、心理学和社会学(Introduction to Education: Philosophy, Psychology and Sociology)
ENGU9A1文学研究导论:体裁(Introduction to Literary Studies: Genre)
ENVU1BP建造地球(Building Planet Earth)
FMSU9A1媒体 1:媒体研究和行业简介(Media 1: An Introduction to Media Studies and Industries)
FREU9A1法语世界(The French-Speaking World)
FREU9B1介绍法语(Introductory French)
GEOU1PP人与环境(People and the Environment)
HISU9A1为了狮子:不列颠群岛和欧洲的苏格兰(For the Lion: Scotland in the British Isles and Europe)
HISU9B11707 年至 2000 年现代英国的形成:简介(The Making of Modern Britain 1707 to 2000: An Introduction)
JOUU9A1新闻学概论(Introduction to Journalism Studies)
LEIU9LM休闲管理与消费(Leisure Management & Consumption)
LINU911语言和(Language and)
MATU9N1数学我(Mathematics I)
MATU9S1离散结构(Discrete Structures)
MGTU7S1全球商业环境:简介(The Global Business Environment: An Introduction)
PHIU9A1哲学:这一切是关于什么的(Philosophy: What is it all About)
POLU9A1人民与权力:不列颠群岛的政治(People and Power: Politics of the British Isles)
RELU9A1现代世界的宗教(Religion in the Modern World)
SPAU9A1西班牙和拉丁美洲研究(Spanish and Latin American Studies)
SPAU9B1介绍西班牙语(Introductory Spanish)
SPCU911社会分化(Social Differentiation)
SPSU711了解运动(Understanding Sport)
SWKU911社会工作理论基础和(Foundations of Social Work Theory and)
BIOU2PH生理学概论(Introduction to Physiology)
ACCU9A2管理会计概论(Introduction to Management Accounting)
AQUU2TP我们口渴的星球:人与水生环境(Our Thirsty Planet: Man and the Aquatic Environment)
BIOU2PH生理学概论(Introduction to Physiology)
CSCU9P2编程和用户界面设计(Programming and User Interface Design)
CSCU9S2数据科学导论(Introduction to Data Science)
ECNU102了解更广泛(Understanding the Wider)
ECNU105入门经济学(Introductory Economics )
EDUU9E2教育概论:政治、政策与实践(Introduction to Education: Politics, Policy and Practice)
ENGU9A2文学研究导论:理论与方法(Introduction to Literary Studies: Theories & Approaches)
ENVU2LV景观演变(Landscape Evolution)
FMSU9A2动态影像(The Moving Image)
FREU9A2法语世界(The French-Speaking World)
FREU9B2介绍法语(Introductory French)
GEOU2GE全球环境问题(Global Environmental Issues)
HISU9A2文艺复兴时期的改革与革命:苏格兰(Renaissance Reformation and Revolution: Scotland)
HISU9C2历史概念:主题和转变(Concepts of History: Themes and Transformations)
JOUU9A2新闻业的伦理问题(Ethical Issues in Journalism)
LINU912的基础(Foundations of)
MATU9D2实用统计(Practical Statistics)
MATU9N2数学二(Mathematics II)
MGTU7S2管理挑战:简介(The Management Challenge: An Introduction)
PHIU9A2我们应该如何生活?:哲学、伦理与生活(How Should We Live?: Philosophy, Ethics, and Life)
POLU9A2政治概念和思想(Political Concepts and Ideas)
RELU9A2宗教殖民主义和民族主义(Religion Colonialism and Nationalism)
SCIU2PS实用科学技能II:现场技能(Practical Science Skills II: Field Skills)
SPAU9A2西班牙和拉丁美洲研究(Spanish and Latin American Studies)
SPAU9B2介绍西班牙语(Introductory Spanish)
SPCU912社会问题(Social Problems )
SPSU712体育概论(Introduction to Sports)
BIOU3GE进化与遗传学(Evolution and Genetics)
SCIU3LS实用科学技能 I:实验室技能(Practical Science Skills I: Laboratory Skills)
ACCU7M1经理的会计和财务(Accounting and Finance for Managers )
AQUU1OP我们的蓝色星球(Our Blue Planet )
AQUU3AE水生环境简介(Introduction to Aquatic Environments )
BIOU1CE细胞生物学导论(Introduction to Cell Biology )
BIOU1IE生态学:简介(Ecology: An Introduction )
BIOU3GE进化与遗传学(Evolution and Genetics )
CSCU9A3数据结构、对象和算法(Data Structures, Objects and Algorithms )
CSCU9M3数据科学脚本(Scripting for Data Science )
CSCU9P1计算科学概论(Introduction to Computing Science )
ECNU101经济决策与市场(Economic Decision Making and Markets )
EDUU9E1教育概论:哲学、心理学和社会学(Introduction to Education: Philosophy, Psychology and Sociology )
ENGU903文学革命(Literary Revolutions )
ENGU9A1文学研究导论:体裁(Introduction to Literary Studies: Genre )
ENVU1BP建造地球(Building Planet Earth )
FINU9F3金融我(Finance I )
FMSU9A1媒体 1:媒体研究和行业简介(Media 1: An Introduction to Media Studies and Industries )
FMSU9A3阅读影视(Reading Film & Television )
FREU9A1法语世界 1(The French-Speaking World 1 )
FREU9A3法语世界 3(The French-Speaking World 3 )
FREU9B1法语入门 1(Introductory French 1 )
FREU9B3中级法语(Intermediate French )
GEOU1PP人与环境(People and the Environment )
GEOU3BE生物地理学:一种生态和进化的方法(Biogeography: An Ecological and Evolutionary Approach )
HISU9A1为了狮子:不列颠群岛和欧洲的苏格兰 1100-1542(For the Lion: Scotland in the British Isles and Europe 1100-1542 )
HISU9B11707 年至 2000 年现代英国的形成:简介(The Making of Modern Britain 1707 to 2000: An Introduction )
HISU9S3历史上的声誉(Reputations in History )
HRMU9S3人力资源管理基础(Fundamentals of Human Resource Management )
JOUU9A1新闻学概论(Introduction to Journalism Studies )
LEIU9LM休闲管理与消费(Leisure Management & Consumption )
LINU911语言与社会(Language and Society )
LINU9L3语言和大脑(Language and the Brain )
MATU9M3分析一(Analysis I )
MATU9N1数学我(Mathematics I )
MATU9S1离散结构(Discrete Structures )
MGTU7S1全球商业环境:简介(The Global Business Environment: An Introduction )
MGTU9S3商业和管理基础(Fundamentals of Business and Management )
MKTU9M3营销基础(Fundamentals of Marketing )
PHIU913从柏拉图到存在主义(From Plato to Existentialism )
PHIU9A1哲学:这一切是关于什么的?(Philosophy: What is it all About? )
POLU9A1人民与权力:不列颠群岛的政治(People and Power: Politics of the British Isles )
POLU9X3国际政治概论(Introduction to International Politics )
PSYU9A3社会思想(The Social Mind )
RELU913宗教与文化:代表问题(Religion and Culture: Problems of Representation )
RELU9A1现代世界的宗教(Religion in the Modern World )
SPAU9A1西班牙和拉丁美洲研究 1(Spanish and Latin American Studies 1 )
SPAU9A3西班牙和拉丁美洲研究 3(Spanish and Latin American Studies 3 )
SPAU9B1介绍西班牙语 1(Introductory Spanish 1 )
SPAU9B3中级西班牙和拉丁美洲研究(Intermediate Spanish and Latin American Studies )
SPCU911社会分化(Social Differentiation )
SPCU913了解社会政策(Understanding Social Policy )
SPSU711了解运动(Understanding Sport )
SPSU813了解全球体育(Understanding Global Sport )
SWKU911社会工作理论与实践基础(Foundations of Social Work Theory and Practice )
BIOU4BD生物多样性(Biodiversity )
SCIU4T4统计技术(Statistical Techniques )
ACCU9A2管理会计概论(Introduction to Management Accounting )
ACCU9A4外部报告(External Reporting )
AQUU2TP我们口渴的星球:人与水生环境(Our Thirsty Planet: Man and the Aquatic Environment )
AQUU4DS潜水科学(Science of Diving )
BIOU2PH生理学概论(Introduction to Physiology )
BIOU4BD生物多样性(Biodiversity )
BUSU9OB商业组织(The Organisation of Business )
CRMU9T4犯罪与刑事司法(Crime and Criminal Justice )
CSCU9B4NoSQL 数据库和数据仓库(NoSQL Databases and Data Warehousing )
CSCU9P2编程和用户界面设计(Programming and User Interface Design )
CSCU9S2数据科学导论(Introduction to Data Science )
CSCU9T4管理信息(Managing Information )
CSCU9V4系统(Systems )
CSCU9Y4编程语言范式(Programming Language Paradigms )
ECNU102了解更广泛的经济(Understanding the Wider Economy )
ECNU105入门经济学(Introductory Economics )
ECNU215经济、商业和管理统计(Statistics for Economics, Business and Management )
EDUU9E2教育概论:政治、政策与实践(Introduction to Education: Politics, Policy and Practice )
ENGU9A2文学研究导论:理论与方法(Introduction to Literary Studies: Theories & Approaches )
ENGU9WH写作与历史:苏格兰与帝国(Writing and History: Scotland and Empire )
ENGU9WI写作与理论(Writing and Theory )
ENGU9WL写作和语言(Writing and Language )
ENVU2LV景观演变(Landscape Evolution )
ENVU4E4生物圈(The Biosphere )
FINU9F4金融二(Finance II )
FMSU9A2动态影像(The Moving Image )
FMSU9A4数字媒体与文化(Digital Media and Culture )
FREU9A2法语世界 2(The French-Speaking World 2 )
FREU9A4法语世界 4(The French-Speaking World 4 )
FREU9B2法语入门 2(Introductory French 2 )
GEOU2GE全球环境问题(Global Environmental Issues )
GEOU4ER环境复原力(Environmental Resilience )
HISU9A2文艺复兴时期的改革和革命:苏格兰 1542-1715(Renaissance Reformation and Revolution: Scotland 1542-1715 )
HISU9C2历史概念:主题和转变(Concepts of History: Themes and Transformations )
HISU9S4叛乱与启蒙:苏格兰 1713 至 1815(Rebellion and Enlightenment: Scotland 1713 to 1815 )
JOUU9A2新闻业的伦理问题(Ethical Issues in Journalism )
LINU912语言基础(Foundations of Language )
MANU9N4运营管理(Operations Management )
MATU9D2实用统计(Practical Statistics )
MATU9JC理论与实践中的优化(Optimisation in Theory and Practice )
MATU9M4线性代数(Linear Algebra )
MATU9N2数学二(Mathematics II )
MGTU7S2管理挑战:简介(The Management Challenge: An Introduction )
MKTU9SM社会责任营销(Socially Responsible Marketing )
PHIU9A2我们应该如何生活?:哲学、伦理与生活(How Should We Live?: Philosophy, Ethics, and Life )
PHIU9C4逻辑(Logic )
PHIU9J4道德理论(Moral Theory )
POLU9A2政治概念和思想(Political Concepts and Ideas )
POLU9CP比较政治(Comparative Politics )
POLU9PG伟大的政治思想家(Great Political Thinkers )
PSYU914研究方法(Research Methods )
PSYU9A4大脑和行为 - 临床和健康心理学 I(Brain and Behaviour - Clinical and Health Psychology I )
RELU914发明宗教:起源、方法和批判(Inventing Religion: Origins, Methods and Critique )
RELU9A2宗教殖民主义和民族主义(Religion Colonialism and Nationalism )
RMKU9R4社会中的全球零售(Global Retailing in Society )
SCIU2PS实用科学技能II:现场技能(Practical Science Skills II: Field Skills )
SCIU4T4统计技术(Statistical Techniques )
SPAU9A2西班牙和拉丁美洲研究 2(Spanish and Latin American Studies 2 )
SPAU9A4高级西班牙和拉丁美洲研究(Advanced Spanish and Latin American Studies )
SPAU9B2介绍西班牙语 2(Introductory Spanish 2 )
SPCU912社会问题(Social Problems )
SPCU9C4社会理论的发展(The Development of Social Theory )
SPSU712体育学概论 2(Introduction to Sports Studies 2 )
SPSU8B4运动心理学(Psychology of Sport )
SPSU8FD运动发展和教练的基础(Foundations of Sport Development and Coaching )
AQUU5LR管理活水生资源(Managing Living Aquatic Resources )
BIOU9PC人口与社区生态(Population and Community Ecology )
SCIU7SR使用 R 进行统计(Statistics Using R )
BIOU9AP动物生理学(Animal Physiology )
BIOU5MB微生物学(Microbiology )
BIOU6AC动物细胞(The Animal Cell )
AQUU6MB改变海洋(Changing Oceans )
BIOU6BE行为生态学(Behavioural Ecology )
BIOU6PE植物生态学(Plant Ecology )
BIOU9IN传染病(Infectious Disease )
BIOU9PL应用生物科学安置(Applied Biological Sciences Placement )
BIOU9TM分子技术(Molecular Techniques )
BIOU7CM生物控制机制(Biological Control Mechanisms )
BIOU7SB系统发育学、生物信息学和组学(Phylogenetics, Bioinformatics and Omics )
BIOU9CP细胞生物学和应用生物科学论文(Cell Biology and Applied Biological Sciences Dissertation )
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