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online_member 发表于 2023-2-22 21:56:26 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式














        Born in Neubukow, Germany in 1822, Schliemann  was deeply impressed by the characters and stories of Greek mythology,  such as the "first Greek hero" Achilles, the "king of kings" Agamemnon,  the "first beauty" Helen, etc., which his father gave him when he was  seven years old. However, even so, Schliemann did not choose to study  history when he grew up, but studied business and embarked on the path  of business.

         Until the age of 36, Schliemann decided to  dedicate the rest of his life to his beloved archaeological career.  Afterwards, he spent nearly 10 years preparing for archaeological  excavation, systematically studying archaeology, and completing the feat  of traveling around the world. At the age of 46, Schliemann met the  British archaeologist Frank Calvert and formed a partner, and in 1868,  he excavated the ancient city of Troy in Hisarlik. However, due to  Schliemann's insistence on using blasting form to excavate deep sites,  the disappearance of shallow civilization relics caused the two to part  ways, but in the process, more cultural relics and gold and silver  jewelry were discovered. Afterwards, Schliemann conducted excavation  activities alone, forming the book "Ancient Things of Troy". The  discovery of the ancient city of Troy made Schliemann famous in Europe.

         At this time, Schliemann was full of  archaeological enthusiasm, and he went to Greece to search for the  Mycenaean civilization, and in 1876 he excavated the famous Agamemnon  mask. (Today's research shows that this mask is about two or three  hundred years earlier than Agamemnon). Since then, Schliemann has been  recognized by the academic community, and the German archaeologist  William Dopf also joined Schliemann's archaeological team. Afterwards,  the ruins of Mycenae, Ithaca, Orchomenos, Tiryns, Sicily and Pilos  appeared in the eyes of the world.

         In 1890, Schliemann died unexpectedly, and the  British archaeologist Arthur Evans took over his work and discovered the  more ancient Minoan civilization.  

         Although Schliemann's early barbaric excavation  methods destroyed some ruins, under the conditions of the time, it may  have been the best choice; after all, the formation of any experience  requires a lot of practice accumulation. Instead of letting Mycenae and  Minoan buried underground deeply, it is better to let the light of  civilization appear in front of the world, which is the best way to  remember the past.
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