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online_admin 发表于 2010-11-26 10:21:12 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


宇航员和飞碟UFO    ASTRONAUTS AND FLYING SAUCERS452 / 作者:伤我心太深 / 帖子ID:1130

“在任何时候,当宇航员在太空中进行的,只有他们:有一个不明飞行物不断监视。” - 斯科特卡彭特
美国宇航局知道'外星人'对面前阿姆斯特朗,奥尔德林月球的活动,和柯林斯没有确定它的脚。埃德温奥尔德林找到一点证据,我们是不是第一个到达月球。经过第一次看到,然后采取在月球土壤的脚印照片(艾),然后看到了一些使人类脚印(该报告和宇航员之间的谈话笔录,还不清楚是否奥尔德林曾与物理实体和/或精神联系) 。
“外来的车辆在50飞到了一个完整的地球轨道的美国空间飞行器的脚,然后在AV离去;时再次奥尔德林出席了会议。 '巴斯'奥尔德林曾因为这些事件和压力不说话精神崩溃。已经有22人死亡(许多自杀')在休斯顿司法人员叙用委员会。没有谁见过AVS或外星人宇航员被允许谈论它,甚至在自己。如果他们的工作,并抓住他们可能被处以罚款,公开羞辱,监禁,或未来的退休金和工资带走。'(我的强调)
“美国宇航局知道甚少,嗯,对象由阿波罗11名机组人员报告。那显然是一个不明飞行物,'高级美国宇航局的科学家说,大卫贝克博士。 “但这样的对象并不常见,甚至地球轨道太空飞行的历史将较前几年前表示,一些船员锯对象”(重点矿山)。
“现在,很明显,我们三个人是不会脱口而出,'嘿,我们得到的东西休斯顿沿着我们的动人,我们不知道它是什么,'观察奥尔德林。 “我们不准备这样做,因为我们知道,这些传输将听取各方面的人,谁知道有人会要求我们转回来,是因为外国人或其他原因,所以我们没有这样做,但我们确实决定我们只是小心翼翼地问在休士顿,是多么遥远的S - IVB部?'
的S - IVB部担任土星V上的第三阶段和第二阶段的土星兴业。它有一架J - 2发动机。月球的任务,它是用于两次:第一次为第二阶段的截止轨道后插入,并为反式月球注射液(TLI的),然后。现在,美国宇航局公布了6000英里后分离的阶段。显然,他们没有发现任何不明飞行物。

“At no time, when the astronauts were in space were they alone: there was a constant surveillance by UFOs.” – Scott Carpenter
Buzz Aldrin is a brilliant man. Not simply remarkable for his intellect but a deeply spiritual man. Long since retired, Colonel Aldrin now orbits the innermost dimensions of his mind, a secretive universe as deep and mysterious as the far reaches of the moon.
As a young airman, my path took me into a close encounter with Colonel Aldrin, more than 30 years ago. As a chauffer with a radio-operated staff car, I served at Lackland AFB when Colonel Aldrin was undergoing a series of tests there. One afternoon my radio crackled that colonel Aldrin would need a ride to Wilford Hall, the large base hospital. Sadly my car wasn’t chosen. I,ve often wondered since then whether the “nervous breakdown’ this remarkable astronaut suffered was due to the government pressure or not. I think it was.
Why did Colonel Aldrin suffer a “nervous breakdown’ at that time? The weight of sudden celebrity, certainly. Deification by the adoring press and masses. But there was something more.
According to Fred Steckling, author of the book, We Discovered Alien Bases on the Moon II, Aldrin might have wanted to proclaim the truth of what he saw. Very likely, Pentagon and White House officials, fearful as always, would have cajoled, convinced or threatened him not to do so.
According to Steckling:
“The following list of facts I have learned from several individuals who are working or who have worked or been linked with NASA in some way over the years. For obvious reasons I will not now use their real names. The list below represents some of the information from three people: one is currently working in DOD missions for NASA; another started working with NASA & DOD when JSC (Johnson Space Center) was built. The third is a scientist who has worked at NASA and other facilities(and with) Edward Teller.’
There are buildings on the Moon.There is mining equipment on the Moon.
Photos, NASA photos, do exist which clearly show both of these. Hundreds, but probably thousands, of NASA photos have been tampered with. Specifically, by careful use of an airbrush, flying saucers and other UFOs can be removed, and then the photo is released to the public and/or press.
Film taken by astronauts clearly show UFOs, IFOs, Alien Vehicles, etc. The NSA screens all photos before release to the public. Everything that NASA has launched has been closely monitored by at least one ‘alien’ culture.
NASA knew about ‘alien’ activity on the Moon before Armstrong, Aldrin, and Collins ever set foot on it. Edwin Aldrin at one point found evidence that we were NOT THE FIRST to arrive on the moon. After first seeing and then taking photographs of footprints in the lunar soil (Aldrin) then saw the beings that made the footprints (the report and transcripts of conversations between the astronauts were not clear if Aldrin had physical and/or mental contact with the entities).
“Alien Vehicles flew within 50 feet of a U.S. space vehicle for one full Earth orbit and then the AV departed; again while Aldrin was present. ‘Buzz’ Aldrin had a nervous breakdown because of these events and the pressure not to talk. There have been 22 deaths (many ‘suicides’) at JSC in Houston. No astronaut who has seen AVs or ETs is allowed to talk about it, even amongst themselves. If they do and are caught they may be fined, publicly humiliated, imprisoned, or have all pensions and future salaries taken away.’(my emphasis)
How much of the above account is fictional and how much fact? Only those who went to the moon and back know for certain. There are many second-hand accounts and alleged conversations, (Google UFO Sightings by Astronauts) where both Aldrin and Armstrong state, in no uncertain terms, they saw huge ships and other signs of alien occupation of the moon.
Return to Earth, Aldrin’s autobiography, tells of his struggle with depression and alcoholism following his long and dedicated USAF and NASA career.  Did NASA, CIA and the Pentagon compell Colonel Aldrin (and every other astronaut) to conceal what they saw on the moon? How much did this contribute to Aldrin’s mental problems?
Some time ago the Science Channel (Original Source) aired a program called “First on the Moon: The Untold Story.’ One segment described a UFO encounter that Apollo 11 astronauts witnessed during flight to the moon. Aldrin spoke of something he saw.
‘To the best of my knowledge, this is the first time that Buzz Aldrin, an Apollo 11 astronaut, had ever publicly recounted any UFO experience associated with the Apollo 11 moon mission,’ wrote Dave Stone.
Buzz Aldrin remarked, “There was something out there that, uh, was close enough to be observed and what could it be?…Mike (Collins) decided he thought he could see it in the telescope and he was able to do that and when it was in one position, that had a series of ellipses, but when you made it real sharp it was sort of L shaped.’
“NASA knew very little about, um, the object reported by the Apollo 11 crew. It was obviously an unidentified flying object,’ said Senior NASA scientist, Dr. David Baker. “But such objects were not uncommon and the history of even earth orbit space flights going back over the previous years indicated that SEVERAL CREWS SAW OBJECTS” (emphasis mine).
“Now, obviously, the three of us were not going to blurt out, ‘Hey Houston we got something moving along side of us and we don’t know what it is,’ observed Aldrin. “We weren’t about to do that, cause we know that those transmissions would be heard by all sorts of people and who knows what somebody would have demanded that we turn back because of Aliens or whatever the reason is, so we didn’t do that but we did decide we’d just cautiously ask Houston where, how far away was the S-IVB?’
The S-IVB served as the third stage on the Saturn V and second stage on the Saturn IB. It had one J-2 engine. For lunar mission it was used twice: first for the orbit insertion after second stage cutoff, and then for the trans lunar injection (TLI). Now NASA reported the separated stage 6,000 miles behind. Obviously they didn’t detect any UFO.
Aldrin replied: “And a few momentswe decided that after a while of watching it (UFO), it was time to go to sleep and not to talk about it anymore until we came back and (went through) debriefing.”
NASA scientist, David Baker said, “There were a lot of people within the program who went off later and became convinced that UFOs existed and that led to some concern on NASA’s part where they got the agreement of the crew never to publicly talk about these things for fear of ridicule.”
Perhaps one day, a living astronaut, a once-and-future hero, will come forward and frankly say what he saw and experienced. “One of these guys—sooner or later—has to go public,” observed one prominent UFO researcher.” This is a cosmic cover-up of the highest order.”

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