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online_admin 发表于 2010-12-20 18:37:05 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
以色列核基地UFO事件!英文原文报道。580 / 作者:admin / 帖子ID:1670 据以色列媒体报道,当地时间12月16日下午,位于以色列南部内盖夫沙漠的迪莫纳核基地上空突然惊现一个UFO(不明飞行物),它无人操作且疑似装有引擎。由于核基地上空属于禁飞区,该UFO上可能携带侦察设备或爆炸物,以色列空军立即出动F-16战斗机加以拦截,在劝阻无效的情况下,发射一枚导弹将其从空中击落。然而让人啼笑皆非的是,以军方16日晚宣布,被击落的UFO有可能只是一个“热气球”!

Israeli Officials Still Uncertain: What was Shot Down Over Nuclear Power Plant in the Negev Desert?
A rather eye-catching piece of news was reported Thursday with regard to the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) and the downing of what appears to be an actual UFO, an unidentified flying object. It remains a UFO due to the fact that the flying object has yet to be identified.
At present, according to media sources like CNN, the IDF has been unable thus far to find debris of whatever it was they shot down.
According to the IDF, the Israeli Air Force shot the unidentified flying object from the sky above the Dimona nuclear power plant in the Negev Desert. The air force was scrambled as soon as the object appeared in the no-fly zone that exists around the Dimona plant.
The IDF said that the air force reacted according to procedure.
The IDF has speculated that the UFO "could have been a party balloon."
According to CNN, there were also unconfirmed reports that the object was motor-driven.
It is reporting on incidents such as this in just this manner that prompts the conspiracy theorists and UFO enthusiasts and researchers toward imaginative speculation and accusation, then crying "cover-up" when further information is withheld or not forthcoming (regardless of the reason).
And there appears to be no need, except perhaps to add a little more excitement to the story, because sources much closer to the event provided a much less ambiguous picture of what occurred and what the object actually was.
Israel National News (INN) noted that the object entered Israeli airspace from Jordan, from the southern Dead Sea.
Although INN says that the object was "thought to be a balloon," they also report that the Israeli Air Force said "the balloon was unmanned and that this was verified before it was shot down."
A balloon. Unmanned. Identified by the IDF. It seems straightforward.
Not "could have been." No alluding to other reports that the UFO was "motor-driven."
The CNN piece is not straightforward, leaving room for all sorts of speculation as to what manner of aircraft the UFO might have been. The fact that the Israel Defense Forces have been unable to find debris only adds to the mystery of the object.
That the unidentified flying object entered a no-fly zone, not to mention the IDF shooting the object down, adds a sinister aspect to the story.
Of course, the INN article may have been written with an intent to mislead, as some will no doubt claim. Keeping its content more toward a definitive explanation leaves less room for imaginative conjecture. However, it will not eliminate it.
The Israel National News article was posted at 4:34 p.m., which equates to 9:34 a.m. in the Eastern United States.
CNN posted their article at 12:35 p.m., three hours after the story identifying the flying object had been published by INN. But CNN's article does not mention that the object had been "verified" as a balloon by the IDF.
Same story, both told with an ambiguous title teaser. One leaving a lot of room for speculation. One providing an answer, which is saddled with the a question of believability (because when has a government been above obfuscation, misdirection, and outright lying in what they deem national interest?).
In the end, it comes down to: Something was shot down over a Negev Desert nuclear power plant Thursday.
It seems to have been a balloon, the debris of which has not as yet been located.
What it was not was "unidentified." So, unless one is a distrustful conspiracy theorist or UFO researcher skeptical of any government explanation, Thursday's incident seems to be nothing more than an interesting aside on a slow news day.














在核问题上,以色列政府一直奉行“含糊政策”,既不承认也不否认拥有核武器,也不同意国际机构对其核设施进行监察。其实,据美国中央情报局估计,以军目前已拥有200- 400枚核弹头,是中东地区唯一一个能够从陆地、水下和空中对敌国发动核打击的国家,核力量位居世界第五或第六,相当于英国的水平,只低于俄罗斯、美国、中国和法国

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