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online_admin 发表于 2010-12-30 19:06:17 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

If you are cooking along at home, you'll need three ingredients: ordinary matter such as that in stars and planets, mysterious “dark matter” whose gravity binds the galaxies, and even weirder “dark energy” that's stretching space and accelerating the expansion of the universe. According to the latest numbers, the proportions are 4.56% ordinary matter, 22.7% dark matter, and 72.8% dark energy.

Here's how they went together: The universe emerged, superhot and ultradense, in the instant of the big bang. For a tiny fraction of a second it expanded at faster-than-light speed. Known as “inflation,” that growth spurt stretched tiny quantum fluctuations in the density of the newborn universe to colossal scales. The gravity of these “overdense” regions pulled in dark matter, which drew along with it ordinary matter, initially a soup of subatomic particles. Slowly, a vast “cosmic web” of filaments and clumps of dark matter formed, and within them, the galaxies.

Before the turn of the millennium, cosmologists had narrowed the list of cosmic ingredients. Many had suspected the presence of dark matter for decades. Dark energy made a splashy entrance in 1998, when astronomers used stellar explosions called type Ia supernovae to trace the rate of expansion of the universe and found that it was speeding up. The idea of inflation emerged in the 1980s to solve various conceptual puzzles. But only recently have observations enabled scientists to weave these threads into a rigorous theory.

Much of the progress has come through studies of the afterglow of the big bang, radiation known as the cosmic microwave background (CMB). In 2000, an experiment known as Balloon Observations of Millimetric Extragalactic Radiation and Geophysics measured the CMB in detail in patches of the sky; a year later, so did the ground-based Degree Angular Scale Interferometer at the South Pole. Then in 2003, NASA's space-based Wilkinson Microwave Anisotropy Probe (WMAP) mapped the CMB across the sky, producing an exquisite baby picture of the cosmos.

It's the myriad dimples in that picture that count. The temperature of the CMB varies by about one part in 100,000 from point to point on the sky, with the hotter spots corresponding to the denser regions in the primordial universe. By measuring the distribution of the spots' sizes and fitting it with their theoretical model, scientists can probe the interplay and amounts of ordinary and dark matter in the early universe. They can also measure the geometry of space. That allows them to deduce the total density of energy and matter in the universe and infer the amount of dark energy.

CMB studies show that the universe is flat. That means that if you draw parallel lines in space, then they will remain the same distance apart along their infinite lengths instead of converging or diverging. Such flatness is a central prediction of inflation, so the measurements bolster that wild idea. So does a particular randomness seen in the hot and cold spots. The WMAP team released its latest results in January, 9 months before the satellite shut down.

The most jaw-dropping thing about the CMB results is that the cosmologists' model, which has only a half-dozen adjustable parameters, fits the data at all. This isn't some marginal approximation; the theory fits the data like the casing on a sausage. That makes it hard to argue that dark matter and dark energy are not real and to explain them away by, for example, modifying Einstein's theory of gravity. Other cosmological data, such as measurements of the distribution of the galaxies, also jibe nicely with the model.

All of this leaves cosmologists in a peculiar situation: They have the precise proportions of the ingredients of the universe, but they still do not know what two of the three ingredients—dark matter and dark energy— really are. It's as if they've been handed a brownie recipe that calls for a “sweet granular substance” and a “white powder that mixes with water to make a paste,” instead of specifying sugar and flour.

Cosmologists may have a better idea of what they're talking about by the end of the next decade. A particle theory called “supersymmetry” predicts the existence of weakly interacting massive particles (WIMPs), which could be the particles of dark matter. Researchers are optimistic that they may soon detect WIMPs bumping into sensitive detectors deep underground, emerging from high-energy particle collisions at an atom smasher, or producing telltale gamma rays in space. Numerous astronomical surveys will probe space-stretching dark energy, although figuring out what it is could take much longer than another decade.
online_member 发表于 2010-12-30 20:03:18 | 显示全部楼层

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