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online_admin 发表于 2010-12-30 19:13:48 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
NASA太空船发现第2000颗彗星36 / 作者:admin / 帖子ID:1890 本来为了研究太阳而放射的一颗卫星偶然的变成了一个彗星捕捉者。太阳日光层观测站(Solar and Heliospheric Observatory),也就是SOHO,最近探测到了它的第2000颗彗星。
Launched on Dec. 2, 1995, SOHO's main research goal is to study the outer atmosphere of the sun, known as the corona. In the process of orbiting and imaging the sun, SOHO blocks out the brightest part and sends back pictures that are ideal for comet hunters to pore over. Amateur and professional astronomers alike are on the lookout for spots of the right brightness that are headed toward the sun — characteristics of comets.
On Tuesday, NASA announced that researchers on the SOHO project had successfully identified SOHO's 2,000th comet. The find was made Sunday by Michal Kusiak, an astronomy student at Jagiellonian University in Poland. Kusiak also found the 1,999th comet and more than 100 other comets since 2007.
本周二,NASA宣布SOHO计划的研究人员已经成功的确认了SOHO的第2000颗彗星。这是由Michal Kusiak在周日发现的,他是一名波兰Jagiellonian大学的天文系学生。Kusiak也是第1999颗彗星的发现者,自2007年开始他已经发现了不下100颗彗星。
It took astronomers 10 years to identify the first thousand comets, but just five years to find the next 1,000. NASA says that's partly because more people are looking at the images, but also because of an unexplained systematic increase in the number of comets around the sun.
online_member 发表于 2010-12-30 20:01:50 | 显示全部楼层

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