科罗拉多州 Stagecoach 天空中的冬季六边形
来源与版权:Jimmy Westlake(科罗拉多山大学城)解说:如果你可以找出猎户座,那你就能找到冬季六边形。冬季六边形是几颗看得见的最亮的恒星在地球北半球的冬季会一起组成的一个又大又容易辨认的图案。这些恒星就算是在大城市最明亮的夜里也通常能够看得见,而这里它们出现在美国科罗拉多州 Stagecoach 的黑暗天空中。组成冬季六边形的这六颗星是毕宿五、五车二、北河二(和北河三)、南河三、参宿七和天狼星。图中可以看到,我们的银河系从冬季六边形的中央穿过,图中上方可以看见昴星团。冬季六边形星群包括了许多星座,其中就有标志性的猎户座的很大一部分。
Winter Hexagon Over Stagecoach Colorado
Credit & Copyright: Jimmy Westlake (Colorado Mountain College)Explanation: If you can find Orion, you might be able to find the Winter Hexagon. The Winter Hexagon involves some of the brightest stars visible, together forming a large and easily found pattern in thewinter sky of Earth's northern hemisphere. The stars involved can usually be identified even in the bright night skies of a big city, although here they appear over darker Stagecoach, Colorado, USA.. The six stars that compose the Winter Hexagon are Aldebaren, Capella, Castor (and Pollux), Procyon, Rigel, and Sirius. Here, the band of our Milky Way Galaxy runs through the center of the Winter Hexagon, while the Pleiades open star cluster is visible just above. The Winter Hexagon asterism engulfs several constellations including much of the iconic steppingstone Orion.