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online_admin 发表于 2011-1-6 12:26:32 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


中国声称掌握了新的核能技术122 / 作者:伤我心太深 / 帖子ID:2092








去年,中国核工业集团公司表示,到2020年计划投资8000亿元(£ 78bn)用于该项目的投产。中国对外国供应商的技术正在消化吸收利用当中,正在向自主创新方向迈进,他们依靠自己的力量设计完成自己的核反应堆及后处理厂。下一步就是施工建设并向海外拓展。

原文:China completed the Daya Bay nuclear power station in Guangdong province, south China, in 2003. Photograph: Adrian Bradshaw/EPA
China's ambitions to lead the world in nuclear power were boosted today by reports that its scientists had mastered a key technique in the reprocessing of spent uranium.
State media claimed the technology overcame a supply bottleneck and ensured China would have sufficient nuclear fuel for at least 3,000 years.
The breakthrough would be a boon to the domestic industry, which is in the early stages of what looks likely to be the most spectacular burst of reactor-building in world history.
Due to surging demand for energy and growing concerns about pollution, China's nuclear-power generating capacity is projected to increase up to tenfold in the next 10 years. By 2030 China could be on course to overtake the US as the world's leading atomic energy producer.
The technology, developed and tested at the number 404 factory of the China National Nuclear Corporation, situated in the Gobi desert, enables recycling of irradiated fuel, according to China Central Television. How this differs from existing reprocessing methods in other countries is unclear, but the state broadcaster said that with this technique a kilo of uranium could produce close to 60 times more power than was now possible in China.
If proven this method would extend the "usage life" of the 171,400 tonnes of the country's known uranium deposits, which previously were forecast to last less than 70 years.
Reprocessing can also provide fissile material for weapons, though details have not yet been disclosed about the potential impact on China's nuclear arsenal.
China first tested an atomic bomb in 1964, but it was slow to adopt nuclear power because of the cheapness and abundance of domestic coal, and the government was reluctant to depend on expensive foreign technology and uranium imports. But in recent years growing wealth and shifting environmental priorities have prompted a change.
According to the International Atomic Energy Agency, China now has 13 operating reactors and 26 more facilities under construction.
China National Nuclear Corporation said last year it planned to invest 800bn yuan (£78bn) in the industry by 2020. China has already been replicating the technology of its foreign suppliers and is moving to design its own reactors and reprocessing plants. The next step is construction and overseas sales.

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