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online_admin 发表于 2011-1-11 20:44:52 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

探索月球:重新研究阿波罗登月留下的数据937 / 作者:伤我心太深 / 帖子ID:2187

阿波罗11号登月舱的驾驶员埃德温·'巴斯'·奥尔德林(Edwin 'Buzz' Aldrin )在月球表面上放置了一个无源的地震试验装置(Passive Seismic Experiment ,把有关月震、滑坡和陨石撞击的信息用无线电信号送回地球。美国国家航空和航天管理局/文件




这种努力表示了对月球核心和其各层深度第一次的直接观察,阿拉巴,马州亨茨维尔,马歇尔空间飞行中心的月球科学家蕾妮·韦伯(Renee Weber)说,她负责领导了这个项目科学家的国际研究小组。



“我认为利用这些数据还可以做很多的研究。” 韦伯博士说。








“关于月球的内部情况,我们知道得并不多”, 亚利桑那州立大学地震学家埃德·加内罗 (Ed Garnero)和他的研究小组的一个成员在一份声明里声称, “这些信息是破译月亮起源和演化的关键,其中也包括对很早期的地球。”

What's inside the moon? A fresh look at Apollo-era data offers clues  - CSMonitorcomWhat's inside the moon? A fresh look at Apollo-era data offers clues. Moonquake data collected in the Apollo era were supposed to help scientists understand what lay beneath the moon's crust. But only now do scientists have the know-how to unravel the answers. Apollo 11 lunar module pilot Edwin 'Buzz' Aldrin deploys the Passive Seismic Experiment Package, which remained behind on the lunar surface to radio back information concerning  moonquakes, landslides, and meteorite impacts. NASA/File Enlarge By Pete Spotts, Staff writer / January 7, 2011 Scientists have taken their first, vicarious journey to the center of the moon, thanks to a fresh look at 30-year-old moonquake data from the Apollo era. Skip to next paragraph Related Stories Moon's got water, yeah. But it's got other resource goodies, too. The moon may hold 100 times more water than previously thought The moon is shrinking. No, seriously. What the researchers found deep in the lunar interior: a solid iron ball 300 miles across, wrapped in molten iron another 56 miles thick, topped with a 93-mile layer of partially molten material. The effort represents the first direct observation of the moon's core and the depths of its various layers, says Renee Weber, a lunar scientist at the Marshall Spaceflight Center in Huntsville, Ala., who headed a international team of scientists on the project. IN PICTURES: We love the moon The notion that the moon has an iron core with a layer of molten iron surrounding it isn't new. But evidence so far has been indirect. The new look confirms that picture. But also appears to be breathing new life into data once thought to be poorly suited for detailed studies of the deepest portions of the lunar interior. "I think there's a lot more that can be done with these data," Dr. Weber says. During the Apollo program, astronauts left four seismographs on the lunar surface. The instuments returned their last data to Earth in 1977, five years after the Apollo program ended. The goal was to use seismic waves generated by moonquakes to probe the moon's structure, just as geologists on Earth use earthquakes to study Earth's interior structure and astrophysicists use acoustic waves from "star quakes" to study the interiors of stars. But the heavy pummeling the moon has taken throughout its history has severely fractured the region between the crust and core, meaning that seismic waves were degraded, making them too difficult to interpret. But new ways of analyzing less-than-ideal seismic data, developed for use on Earth, plus the rapid increase in computing power since the days of Apollo, prompted Weber and her collaborators to give the Apollo data a fresh look. The results were published Thursday afternoon on Science Express, the online adjunct to the journal Science. The seismic data support the prevailing idea of how the moon formed, the researchers say: Gravity reassembled debris that was generated when an Earth-size object collided with Earth some 4.5 billion years ago. Over the past few years, lunar missions have shown a moon far more complex and interesting than anyone expected a decade a go, lunar scientists say. The ability to mine Apollo's data, along with future missions to plant more-modern seismographs on the moon, hold the potential to do the same for the moon's interior. "There is much we don't know about the lunar interior," said Ed Garnero, a seismologist at Arizona State University and a member of the research team, in a statement. "That information is key to deciphering the origin and evolution of the moon, including the very early Earth."
 楼主| 发表于 2011-1-11 20:45:32 | 显示全部楼层

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