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online_admin 发表于 2017-10-24 22:15:59 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  外星人和UFO的议题一直受大众关注,美国一群对UFO研究相当热爱的同好5月于加州约书亚树国家公园出席会议时,捕捉到疑似军机追赶UFO的影片,目前影片已交由民间最大UFO研究机构“UFO互动网”(Mutual UFO Network,MUFON)展开调查。

  MUFON于12日发文指出,今年5月21日约晚上10点时,超过50名UFO爱好者正在约书亚树国家公园参加一场以“在沙漠接触”(Contact in the Desert)为主题的会议,却意外目睹军机正在追赶2个独立发光体,而那2个光源被怀疑就是UFO。

美国空军追击UFO视频曝光148 / 作者:伤我心太深 / 帖子ID:27827


  这部影片并非全彩色,而是使用黑白夜视镜头拍摄完成,对此公关主任马许(Roger Marsh)表示,MUFON对此还在调查中,也提醒大众许多UFO目击事件都是因自然现象或人为造成,那两个疑似为UFO的发光体有可能只是2架飞机。



  Unedited witness statement: Incredible video footage of a military jet chasing a UFO (yeah, that's right, chasing one) right over our heads while out at the infamous Giant Rock in Landers while at this year's Contact in the Desert (CITD) conference in Joshua Tree Calif. I, Melinda Leslie, was leading my Sunday night, May 21st, Sky Watch with Night Vision Goggle Intensive out at Giant Rock on the 3rd night of viewing events for CITD. Luckily one of my participants, Graham Slater, caught this and many of our other sightings (from all 3 nights no less), with his black and white night vision video camera. His additional footage of some of the other incrdible sightings will be posted at a future date once they are compiled. Here's a description of the jet chase sighting: At just before 10:00 p.m. (did not note exact time) some of my participants and I saw a large amber colored light low to the horizon just behind Giant Rock from where my whole group of about 50 plus people were gathered and using 15 pair of night vision goggles. A contigenecy of about 20 of us ran to get a better view of it. To the naked eye it appeared to be a large orangish (amber) light, that quoting some of the 20 people; "flew like a bumble bee". One guest, [name removed/CMS/jpg], came running with a pair of the goggles in hand and got a good look at it. She said that through the goggles it looked like "a large diamond shaped UFO." She drew a picture of it attached here. This object then flew behind a small hill right behind the entire Sky Watch larger group. As those of us who ran off walked back to join the others, 3 military jets flew over in the direction of the object now gone from sight behind the hill. Some of us commented that "if" "they" were following it, meaning the jets, they were a few minutes too late. Just then we heard the sound of a low flying jet from behind the hill, and suddenly clearing the top of the hill and right over our heads, came a very fast military jet chasing a faster large red glowing light. The military jet had both red and white blinking strobe lights and glowing afterburners and was VERY loud as it flew directly above our heads. The large red light had NO blinking lights and NO sound at all! It became clear to all 50 plus witnesses, this was NO jet!!! Those folks present who looked with the aid of the goggles said they were seeing either 2 lights, or one object with 2 light sources on it. After extensive review of the footage, I am nearly certain it shows 2 UFOs (fast moving lights), flying in perfect locked tandem with one another. It appears you can see stars between them in the background suggesting that these are 2 seperate objects. As is usually the case, this footage while incredible, does not do the sighting justice. The video is in black and white night vision, not full-color naked-eye vision, and does not have any sound, so you are unable to hear the palatable excitement of 50 plus witnesses screaming and cheering.

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