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online_admin 发表于 2011-3-31 20:51:35 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
提升2012--玛雅人的宇宙变速箱-圣杯的苏醒568 / 作者:伤我心太深 / 帖子ID:3052 GRAAL
"On the path to planetary ascension"
Boris Petrovic,
"Graal" reflects a journey through culture, religion and science interacting as materializing symbols. It stands as a decryption of the horizon between physical and spritual existence towards final unity of physics and metaphysics. the seed of cosmic voyage and consciousness expansion of mankind. Depicted with inventions of NIKOLA TESLA, revealing the deepest secrets of the legacy of this extra-terrestrial spirit. It's essence is in physical evidence of the harmony of existence, creation of the almighty.
Holy Grail as a placenta of all-expanding time-spiral and the birth in spirit of new mankind on planet Earth, an event written about in all world religions and scriptures from the beginning of words, as blood of the collective being, as the food of human spirit. It is a road, beginning with initiation of consciousness through travelling to a Black Hole, the neverending road to pre-beginning, the end of past and present. It's task is collapse of 3-dimensional existence, opening the door to Heavenly Jerusalem, through the knowledge and use of blood-flow of the Solar system, magnetic fields of planets and the solar wind.
Phenomenon of Ascension, explained as contraction of space and time of microcosmos, made by the human hand with the guidance of higher agents, made through will of mankind towards opening the holographic memory of creation, using gravitational disturbances in Earth's orbit, and for the glory of the timeless kingdom.


“格拉尔”反映了通过文化,宗教和科学的物化符号互动之旅。 它代表作为与物质和精神上的存在对物理学和形而上学的最终统一地平线解密。 宇宙航程和人类扩张意识的种子。 描写与尼古拉特斯拉发明,揭示了这个外星人的精神遗产的最深的秘密。 它的实质是在存在,创造和谐的全能的实物证据。
圣杯作为所有扩展的时间螺旋胎盘和在新的人类在地球上,写在世界所有宗教和从词汇开始有关事件的经文作为集体被血液,圣灵生的食物,人类的精神。 这是一条道路,与意识的萌生开始,通过前往一个黑洞,永无止境的道路前开始,过去和现在结束。 它的任务是三维存在的崩溃,通过开放的知识和血液的太阳系行星的磁场和太阳风的流动使用的大门天上的耶路撒冷。
online_member 发表于 2011-3-31 22:22:53 | 显示全部楼层

online_member 发表于 2011-4-1 20:03:40 | 显示全部楼层

online_member 发表于 2011-4-7 00:55:31 | 显示全部楼层
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