发表于 2018-6-11 20:37:11
1984年8月15日,Lake Monoun发生类似情况,致34人死亡,此事被证明是山体滑坡引起,而在Lake Nyos事件中,很少或者是没有相关证据证明是有山体滑坡引起的。
科学界比较偏向的观点是因为湖水中雨水迅速积聚倒是水域倾覆(lake turnover)。密度高的雨水顺着湖水一侧下降,导致湖底气体被排出。
(There is little evidence that a landslide or an earthquake initiated the event. Instead, many scitentists believe that the rapid accumulation of rainwater in the lake was responsible for overturning the bottom waters).
为防止小伙伴说楼主强行“未解之谜”,特地附上外网链接,以下三个网站中,前两个是在google里搜Lake Nyos后出来的第二第三个网站(第一是wiki),后面一个是学术论文,不知道国内能不能看。
Energy Eduacation
Although the source is well agreed upon, the actual cause of the gas release is still debated. The possibility of a volcanic eruption were ruled out upon studying the chemical composition of the lake, along with other factors. One theory suggests a landslide within the lake, while others attribute a slow influx of heat as the cause of an instability leading to release.[3] In general, a gradual heating of the depths of the lake is widely accepted as the cause for the large gas release.[6]
Geo udsu
IThere is little or no evidence that a landslide or an earthquake initiated the event. Instead, many scientists believe that the rapid accumulation of rainwater in the lake was responsible for overturning the bottom waters. The rainwater may have been blown to one side of the lake by strong August winds. Being denser than the warmer lake water, the rainwater mass would have descended down one side of the lake, thus displacing the bottom waters. This convective overturn resulted in the ascent and decompression of the bottom water, thus causing the dissolved gas to come out of solution (exsolve) and bubble upward at dramatic speeds. The bubbles themselves may have lowered the overall density of the gas-water mixture resulting in even greater rates of ascent, decompression, and exsolution. The result was a rapid and violent EXPULSION of CO2. So much gas escaped from this single event, that the surface level of Lake Nyos dropped by an entire meter.
Google Scholar
Lake Nyos,是一个非洲的湖泊,也是地理学界一个著名的湖泊。这个湖不是很大,不是很美,但是一夜之间杀了住在湖泊周围两个小镇的1700余名居民和3500多头牲畜。
Lake Nyos是由自然侵蚀而形成的湖泊,湖底便是冷却的岩浆,也就是岩浆岩和沉积岩为主。这些岩石中含大量的二氧化碳,千百年来二氧化碳缓慢的溶入水中,由于重力和密度,二氧化碳沉积在湖底,几近饱和。
1986年8月的一个凌晨,这些大量的二氧化碳 (后测10万到30万吨二氧化碳)在湖面找到了一个出口,疯一般的涌出,顺着地势流入小镇。由于二氧化碳的密度是空气的1.5倍,这些二氧化碳就想给大地铺了一层厚厚的地毯,所到之处,赶走了几乎所有的空气以及氧气,就这样不知不觉的侵袭了睡梦中的人。
然而至今为止,对于为何二氧化碳会从湖底突然大量涌出湖面这一说法,在学术界还是众说纷纭。也算是未解之谜了 |