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online_member 发表于 2018-6-13 22:12:01 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
online_member 发表于 2018-6-13 22:12:01 | 显示全部楼层
online_member 发表于 2018-6-13 22:12:01 | 显示全部楼层
online_member 发表于 2018-6-13 22:12:01 | 显示全部楼层

“Just as, bhikkhus, in this Jambudīpa, delightful
parks, groves, landscapes, and lotus ponds are few, while
more numerous are the hills and slopes, rivers that are
hard to cross, places with stumps and thorns, and
rugged mountains, so too those beings are few who are
born on dry ground; more numerous are those beings
who are born in water.”
比库们,就像适宜的公园/树林/风景/荷塘总是少的,大多数地方都是丘陵/斜坡/难以越过的河流/崎岖不平的山区, 同样, 很少的生物生在陆地上,大多数生物都是生在水里(目前所发现的34个动物门中,海洋其实就占了33个)
(334) “... so too those beings are few who are reborn
among human beings; more numerous are those beings
who have been reborn elsewhere than among human
.... 同样,(生在陆地上的生物中)很少的一部分能成为人类,大部分都没能成为人类(这个没疑问吧~)
(335) “... so too those beings are few who are reborn in
the middle provinces; more numerous are those who
have been reborn in the outlying provinces among the
uncouth foreigners.”
.... 同样,(就佛陀那个年代来说,在人类当中)很少的一部分人类能投生在middle provinces(就是当时佛陀所在的地方,佛陀好像知道他生在地球的正中间),大部分都是投生在其它的蛮夷之地
(336) “... so too those beings are few who are wise,
intelligent, astute, able to understand the meaning of
what has been well stated and badly stated; more
numerous are those who are unwise, stupid, obtuse,
unable to understand the meaning of what has been well
stated and badly stated.”
.... 同样,(和佛陀生在同一个国度的人当中)很少人有聪明/智慧/敏锐的品质,能够明白别人说的好或者说的不好;大多数都是不聪明/愚蠢/愚钝的,不能够理解别人说的好或者不好.
(337) “... so too those beings are few who are endowed
with the noble eye of wisdom; more numerous are those
beings who are confused and immersed in ignorance.”185
... 同样,(在能够明白别人说的好或者不好的人当中)很少人有智慧有远见,大多数人都是疑惑/无明的
(338) “... so too those beings are few who get to see the
Tathāgata; more numerous are those beings who do not
get to see him.”
... 同样,(在有智慧有远见的人当中)很少人能亲眼看见如来,大多数人都不能够亲眼看到如来
(339) “... so too those beings are few who get to hear
the Dhamma and discipline expounded by the Tathāgata;
[36] more numerous are those who do not get to hear it.”
... 同样,(在能亲眼看见如来的人当中)很少人能够亲自听闻如来说法(佛陀不是遇到谁都讲法的~)
(340) “... so too those beings are few who, having heard
the Dhamma, retain it in mind; more numerous are those
who, having heard the Dhamma, do not retain it in
... 同样,(在能亲自听闻如来讲法的人当中)很少人能够把佛陀所说的法记在心里
(341) “... so too those beings are few who examine the
meaning of the teachings that have been retained in
mind; more numerous are those who do not examine the
meaning of the teachings that have been retained in
... 同样,(在能够把佛陀所说的法记在心里的人当中)很少人会去仔细地揣摩/理解佛法真正的意思
(342) “... so too those beings are few who understand
the meaning and the Dhamma and then practice in
accordance with the Dhamma; more numerous are those
who do not understand the meaning and the Dhamma
and do not practice in accordance with the Dhamma.”186
... 同样,(在能够理解佛法真实含义的人当中)很少人会把佛法付诸实践
(343) “... so too those beings are few who acquire a
sense of urgency about things inspiring urgency; more
numerous are those who do not acquire a sense of
urgency about things inspiring urgency.”187
... 同样,(在能够把佛法付诸实践的人当中)很少人会有紧迫感,大多数人都没有紧迫感.(生老病死每天都在我们身边发生,但很少人会有紧迫感,这个备注来自于我读中部经里某个对话的理解)
(344) “... so too those beings are few who, when
inspired with a sense of urgency, strive carefully; more
numerous are those who, when inspired with a sense of
urgency, do not strive carefully.”
... 同样,(在有紧迫感的人当中)很少人会因为这个紧迫感而努力精进,大多数人都是听之任之
(345) “... so too those beings are few who gain
concentration, one-pointedness of mind, based on
release; more numerous are those who do not gain
concentration, one-pointedness of mind, based on
... 同样,(在努力精进的人当中)很少人能达到心定于一处的境界(这个不好翻译,翻译不准)
(346) “... so too those beings are few who obtain the
exquisite taste of delicious food; more numerous are
those who do not gain such food but subsist on scraps
brought in a bowl.”
(347) “... so too those beings are few who obtain the
taste of the meaning, the taste of the Dhamma, the taste
of liberation; more numerous are those who do not
obtain the taste of the meaning, the taste of the
Dhamma, the taste of liberation.189 Therefore, bhikkhus,
you should train yourselves thus: ‘We will obtain the
taste of the meaning, the taste of the Dhamma, the taste
of liberation.’ It is in such a way that you should train
yourselves.” [37]

Life’s easy to live
for someone unscrupulous,
    cunning as a crow,
    corrupt, back-biting,
    forward, & brash;
but for someone who’s constantly
    scrupulous, cautious,
    observant, sincere,
    pure in his livelihood,
    clean in his pursuits,
        it’s hard.

个人体会: 没有足够的智慧/慈悲心/警觉,很难对佛陀升起信心.
online_member 发表于 2018-6-13 22:12:01 | 显示全部楼层
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