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online_member 发表于 2018-8-20 21:56:37 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

        In addition, popular NASA and space researcher, Richard Hoagland, has publicly come forward to reveal that the October 9, LCROSS 'bombing' mission of the moon, discovered an ancient base at the moon's South Pole.


        Reviewing the scientific data achieved by NASA's LCROSS mission, Hoagland concluded, also on the popular late night Coast to Coast AM radio show, that LCROSS is part of a carefully constructed campaign to prepare the populace for imminent disclosure.


        Coast to Coast AM radio interview中,回顾NASA的LCROSS探月任务所取得的数据,霍格兰德认为,LCROSS探月任务是一个精心策划的行动的一部分,这个行动旨在使民众对即将发生的对外星文明的公开做好准备。

        The President of the United States will soon announce that scientists have discovered ruins on the moon, he added.美国总统将很快宣布,科学家在月球上发现了废墟,他补充说。

        Nobody saw the LCROSS debris plume because the probes struck a building which swallowed the effects of the explosion.没有人看到LCROSS探测器的碎屑,因为探头装上了一个建筑,这吞噬了爆炸的效果。

        Finally, two independent and confidential sources have revealed to me that face to face meetings have recently occurred between US military officials with one or more groups of extraterrestrial visitors.


        This has allegedly led to confidence being built for future cooperation with the extraterrestrials that will be formally announced to the world public either at the end of 2009, or early 2010.,据称,双方已就未来的合作达成互信,具体消息将于今年底或明年初见分晓。

        In conclusion, a diverse number of sources and events point to some form of extraterrestrial disclosure being made by the end of 2009, or early 2010.总之,很多消息和很多事件都指向了年底前或者明年初某种形式的E.T.揭秘。

        Official disclosure will most likely emerge in either of two scenarios.官方的公开将最有可能以下述两种形式之一进行。

        One is that President Obama will announce the existence of extraterrestrial visitors, and describe one or more of these to the world.其一是奥巴马总统将宣布星际访客的存在,并介绍其中一种或更多外星种族。 This scenario is supported by Peterson, Wilcock, and my own confidential sources.此方案的支持者包括皮特森,威尔科克,以及我自己的秘密消息来源。

        The second scenario is that an announcement will be made concerning the discovery of artificial structures at the moon's South Pole, as revealed by the LCROSS mission.第二种情况是,宣布人造建筑在月球南极发现,而这也是CROSS探测器的使命。

        This scenario is supported by Hoagland.研究员霍格兰同志支持这一方案

        Which ever of the above scenarios is used for announcing the existence of extraterrestrial life or technology, President Obama will figure prominently.


        Behind the scenes, powerful institutions are ensuring that nothing derails the planned disclosure announcement.在幕后,强大的机构正在运作以确保披露计划不至于发生意外。

        The disclosure will follow upon a year of greater government openness on UFOs in accord with a policy secretly developed at the United Nations.这一披露是之前一个更大的联合国秘密达成的UFO政府公开计划的延续。

        If extraterrestrial disclosure does occur at the end of 2009 or early 2010, President Obama will lead an unprecedented effort to promote global governance through the United Nations.如果外星人的披露确实发生在2009年底或2010年初,奥巴马总统将大展拳脚,通过联合国推动全球治理新纪元。

        The Obama administration and its supporters are poised to take a bold step forward in helping our planet become an interplanetary culture that openly deals with the challenges posed by extraterrestrial life.奥巴马政府及其支持者随时准备采取大胆的步骤,帮助我们的星球外向行星文化,公开应对星际生命带来的转变。
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