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糟糕 世界末日也会迟到

online_member 发表于 2011-5-29 14:34:38 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
ON MAY 16th the Centres for Disease Control and Prevention, in an odd attempt at light-heartedness, published a brief guide to emergency preparedness in the event of a zombie invasion or other catastrophes. Useful advice, but zombies were far from anyone’s mind. America was girding for an even more serious event. Word had spread that the Rapture would take place on May 21st. There would be a horrible earthquake, and Jesus would take believers to heaven. Those left behind would suffer Armageddon, concluding with the earth’s total annihilation (scheduled for October).

5月16日,疾病控制和预防中心一反常态地打出“娱乐牌”,它发布了简短指南,指导人们在发生僵尸入侵或其他灾难的情况下,该如何做好应急准备。尽管建议很有用,但是有谁会相信僵尸存在呢?不过美国还是为更为严重的事件着手准备。5月21日为世界末日之说曾四处流传, 据说当日将发生可怕的地震,而耶稣将会把信徒带到天堂,那些剩下的人唯有面对善恶大决战的命运,到最后地球也将彻底毁灭(定于10月份)。
These predictions came from Harold Camping, the California-based founder and president of Family Radio, a national network of Christian radio stations. He argued that the world was in moral decline, with the widespread acceptance of gay marriage the clearest sign. His followers took the message to billboards and flyers. Some thoughtfully arranged for atheists to look after their pets.
Mr Camping, who now says that the Rapture did occur, but invisibly, may be outside the mainstream, but the end-of-days is hardly a marginal obsession. A surprisingly large number of Americans are keenly interested in the subject. Several years ago, for example, the “Left Behind” books—a series of novels dramatising the tribulations of those not taken up to heaven—sold tens of millions of copies. And those who do not anticipate the Apocalypse may nevertheless subscribe to a dramatic view of God’s justice. Earlier this year a pastor in Michigan published a book questioning whether hell exists, triggering a fierce counter-attack from evangelicals.
In the run-up to the predicted Rapture, non-believers prepared for a field day. Some composed careful tableaux of empty clothing and abandoned dinners. On Facebook, more than 800,000 people signed up to attend post-Rapture looting parties.

The scoffers proved correct. May 21st came and went with only the usual suffering of a day on earth. It was a lucky escape; the political and economic ramifications would have been severe. And it may be that the prospect of it led some people to reassess their morals, never a bad thing.
But if the world is to be judged it will not be on Mr Camping’s terms. Shortly after the Rapture failed to materialise, an interview appeared with Jim Daly, the president of Focus on the Family, probably America’s most powerful conservative Christian organisation. He noted that most of the younger generation favours gay marriage. “We’ve probably lost that,” he concluded. Heaven can wait.

online_member 发表于 2011-5-29 22:41:13 | 显示全部楼层
糟糕 世界末日也会迟到721 / 作者:a1562592059 / 帖子ID:4070糟糕 世界末日也会迟到811 / 作者:a1562592059 / 帖子ID:4070
online_member 发表于 2011-5-30 18:20:17 | 显示全部楼层
online_member 发表于 2011-5-30 18:21:31 | 显示全部楼层
online_member 发表于 2011-5-30 23:33:24 | 显示全部楼层
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