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online_admin 发表于 2011-6-6 14:37:43 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
地质学家强调人类处于翻天覆地“人类纪元”933 / 作者:伤我心太深 / 帖子ID:4264

Our footprint could be visible as radioactive material from bomb tests like those at Bikini Atoll in the 1950s, increased CO2 and mass extinction. Photograph: Corbis
人类的痕迹可以像1950年代在比基尼环礁(Bikini Atoll)实施的导弹试验释放出的辐射性物质、上升的二氧化碳浓度和大范围生物灭绝一样显而易见。图片:科比斯(Corbis)
These are epoch-making times. Literally. There is now "compelling evidence", according to an influential group of geologists, that humans have had such an impact on the planet that we are entering a new phase of geological time: the Anthropocene.
Millions of years from now, they say, alien geologists would be able to make out a human-influenced stripe in the accumulated layers of rock, in the same way that we can see the imprint of dinosaurs in the Jurassic, or the explosion of life that marks the Cambrian. Now the scientists are pushing for the new epoch to be officially recognised.
"We don't know what is going to happen in the Anthropocene," says geographer Professor Erle Ellis of the University of Maryland. "But we need to think differently and globally, to take ownership of the planet."
“我们不知道在人类世里会发生什么事情,”马瑞兰大学(University of Maryland)地理学教授厄尔·伊利斯(Erle Ellis)如是说。“但是我们要从不同的角度,以全球化的观点来思考,从而取得地球的所有权。”
Anthropocene, a term conceived in 2002 by Nobel laureate Paul Crutzen, means "the Age of Man", recognising our species' ascent to a geophysical force on a par with Earth-shattering asteroids and planet-cloaking volcanoes. Geologists predict that our geological footprint will be visible, for example, in radioactive material from the atomic bomb tests, plastic pollution, increased carbon dioxide levels and human-induced mass extinction.
人类世是诺贝尔奖得主保罗·克鲁岑(Paul Crutzen)2002年提出的,其意思是“人类的时代”,承认人类的能力上升到了同小行星和火山这些撼天动地的自然力同一级别。地质学家预测人类的地质学痕迹将会变得很明显,例如,原子弹试验产生的核辐射,高浓度的二氧化碳和人为导致的大规模生物灭绝。
"Geologists and ecologists are already using the term 'Anthropocene', so it makes sense to have an accepted definition," says geologist Dr Jan Zalasiewicz of the University of Leicester. "But, in this unusual case, formal recognition of the epoch could have wider significance beyond the geology community. By officially accepting that human actions are having an effect on the makeup of the Earth, it may have an impact on, say, the law of the sea or on people's behaviour."
“地质学家们和生物学家们早已经开始使用‘人类世’这个术语,所以给它一个可接受的定义是情理之中的事,”类赛斯特大学(University of Leicester)地质学博士简·匝拉斯维奇(Jan Zalasiewicz)如是说。“但是这是个独特的个案,因为对这个时代的正式认可所产生的重要影响要超出地质学领域范围。正式接受人类行为正在改变地球地貌的事实会对例如海洋法则或人们的举止产生影响。”
In the past, geological changes on a scale big enough to merit a new epoch have been the result of events such as the eruption of a supervolcano or a catastrophic meteor strike – things a lawyer might describe as acts of God. Now, instead of being just another one of the millions of species on our planet, humans have become the determining factor – the guiding, controlling species – and many of our changes will leave a permanent mark in the rocks.
The Anthropocene Working Group of the International Commission on Stratigraphy, which is the body charged with formally designating geological time periods, met at Burlington House, London, last month, to discuss evidence for the planet having crossed into a new geological epoch.
曾因正式认可地质学时间段而被指控的组织国际地层学委员会(International Commission on Stratigraphy)下分的人类世工作小组(The Anthropocene Working Group)上月在伦敦伯灵顿馆(Burlington House)召开会议,讨论证明地球进入新地质学世纪的证据。
The geological signal will be clear from industrial-scale mining, damming, deforestation and agriculture, as well as the concentration of carbon in the atmosphere and nitrates in the oceans. Even the presence of the first human-produced chemicals like PCBs, radioactive fallout and the humble plastic bag could be measured millions of years hence.
Putting humans at the centre of our planet's activity represents a paradigm shift in the way geologists usually think of our species – as a mere blip on the long timescale of Earth.
There have been seven epochs since the dinosaurs died out around 65m years ago. The last time we passed a geological boundary, entering the Holocene around 12,000 years ago at the end of the last ice age, we were an insignificant species, just one of a couple of hominids struggling to survive in a world where so many of our cousins, like Homo erectus, had failed to make it.
Now our effect on the climate and our fellow species is having a global impact. "The fossil record will reveal a massive loss of plant and animal species, and also the scale of invasive species – how we've distributed animals and plants across the globe," Zalasiewicz says.
The working group still has some more evidence to gather before it presents its findings to the stratigraphy committee, "and then the real battle will commence", says Zalasiewicz. "These are slow, nit-picky debates, fraught with acrimony and issues of nationalism. Some members are very cautious and think it's premature to define the Anthropocene, because the Holocene has only been around for a short period in geological terms. Other epochs have lasted millions of years."
Others feel that the new epoch is upon us and we should come to terms with its implications for the planet. "We broke it, we bought it, we own it," Ellis says. "Now we've got to take responsibility for it."
online_member 发表于 2011-6-7 12:26:18 | 显示全部楼层
赞成 但人类别把自己当作恐龙看 咱永远不会是霸主
online_member 发表于 2011-9-2 21:15:11 | 显示全部楼层
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