发表于 2018-11-19 21:32:03
时空旅行细节已经超越了普通人3D思考概念,但真实往往比科幻更另人惊异! 这里展示SSP秘密太空计划的时空旅行研究笔记——基于当事人意识的不同时间线现实timelines
ssp time travel note :
"time is very much consciousness based. Looking into the future and looking into the past you're going to often see a timeline in the past or in the future that is based on the consciousness and the belief system of the viewer. That there were different reports of what was seen, and a few other incidents going back way further in time. They were finally figuring out that it depended on who was viewing the past event and their preconceived idea or belief had a lot to do with what they saw, especially when it came to things that were theological in nature. There are multiple quantum timelines of future and past links to present consciousness states. "