发表于 2019-7-17 21:22:13
可以,现在 人类 可以 “山寨” 一些 简单的 单细胞 生命(把遗传代码修改几处,转进一些其他现成的基因之类)或者 用更简单的化合物合成 更低级 的“原初细胞”(没有繁殖能力但能进行一些基本的生化反应),啥时候 原创 代码 比例 高到 一定程度 就可以宣称是 “自主研发”成果了(参考自主研发CPU的过程)。而且 没有必要 从 元素级别 开始 造物,还是用 现成 代码/零件 模块化拼凑 比较 划算。
“Previously, chemists have managed to create artificial cell walls and developed synthetic DNA to produce self-replicating, synthetic bacterial cells. Now(in 2014 ), for the first time, researchers have used polymers to produce an artificial eukaryotic cell capable of undertaking multiple chemical reactions through working organelles.
Eukaryotic cells are the building blocks for complex life-forms like plants and animals. The main distinction between the simpler and more ancient prokaryotic cells and eukaryotes is the presence of organelles in the latter. Organelles are specialized subunits within a cell that have a specific function, and which allow cells to undertake multiple chemical processes in an extremely small space.
This compartmentalization was one of the key features developed by nature during the early evolution of early life on Earth. It is also of interest to chemists as eukaryotic cells are capable of efficient chemistry at a very small scale, something which is difficult to replicate in the lab. That might be all about to change now chemists at Radboud University Nijmegen in The Netherlands have built the world’s first eukaryotic cell using plastic.
“Competing groups are working closer to biology; making cells from fatty acids, for example. We would like to do the same in the future," says Professor Jan van Hest who created the organelles with his PhD candidate Ruud Peters. "Another step would be to make cells that produce their own energy supply."”
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