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online_admin 发表于 2010-11-16 11:46:55 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
                                             作者:Jonathan Feng ; Mark Trodden
黑暗世界:通向未知宇宙的神秘之旅237 / 作者:伤我心太深 / 帖子ID:830
the dark side
The train of thought to dark matter began with the discovery of radioactive beta decay in the early 1900s. Italian theorist Enrico Fermi sought to explain the phenomenon by postulating a new force of nature and new force-carrying particles that caused atomic nuclei to decay. This new force was similar to electromagnetism and the new particles to photons—but with a key twist. Unlike photons, which are massless and therefore highly mobile, Fermi argued that the new particles had to be heavy. Their mass would limit their range and account for why the force causes nuclei to fall apart but otherwise goes unnoticed. The new force is now known as the weak nuclear force and the hypothesized force-carrying particles are the W and Z particles, which were discovered in the 1980's. They are not dark matter themselves, but their properties hint at dark matter.

黑暗世界:通向未知宇宙的神秘之旅730 / 作者:伤我心太深 / 帖子ID:830
    关于暗物质的很多想法,可追溯至二十世纪早期放射性 β衰变的发现。当时意大利理论物理学家恩里科·费米为了解释该现象,设想了自然界一种新的作用力和它的携带粒子,正是这些粒子导致原子核发生衰变。这种作用力类似于电磁力,而新的粒子类似于光子——只不过它们拥有一个关键的扭矩。与没有质量且流动性强的光子不同,费米认为这些新的粒子质量很大,它们的质量限制了力的作用范围,所以尽管力把原子核挤破了,但人们却一无所知。这种新的力就是现在被人们所熟知的弱核力,而假想的力携带粒子就是W粒子和Z粒子,它们于上世纪80年代被发现。这两种粒子本身不是暗物质,但它们的性质却预示了暗物质的存在。
One goal of the Large Hadron Collider is to look for those particles, which should have masses comparable to those of the W and Z. Indeed, physicists think dozens of types of particles may be waiting to be discovered—one for each of the known particles, paired off in an arrangement known as supersymmetry.
These hypothetical particles include some collectively known as weakly interacting massive particles, or WIMPs. The name arises because the particles interact only by means of the weak nuclear force. Being immune to the electric and magnetic forces that dominate the everyday world, they are totally invisible and have scarcely any direct effect on normal particles. Therefore, they make the perfect candidate for cosmic dark matter.
The WIMP Coincidence

黑暗世界:通向未知宇宙的神秘之旅899 / 作者:伤我心太深 / 帖子ID:830
Given the expected mass of WIMPs and the strength of their interactions, which govern how often they annihilate one another, physicists can easily calculate how many WIMPs should be left over. Rather amazingly, the number matches the number required to account for cosmic dark matter today, within the precision of the mass and interaction-strength estimates. This remarkable agreement is known as the WIMP coincidence. Thus, particles motivated by a century-old puzzle in particle physics beautifully explain cosmological observations.
This line of evidence, too, indicates that WIMPs are inert. A quick calculation predicts that nearly one billion of these particles have passed through your body since you started reading this article, and unless you are extraordinarily lucky, none has had any discernible effect. Over the course of a year you might expect just one of the WIMPs to scatter off the atomic nuclei in your cells and deposit some meager amount of energy. To have any hope of detecting such events, physicists set their particle detectors to monitor large volumes of liquid or other material for long periods. Astronomers also look for bursts of radiation in the galaxy that mark the rare collision and annihilation of orbiting WIMPs. A third way to find WIMPs is to try to synthesize them in terrestrial experiments.

Out-Wimping the WIMPs
黑暗世界:通向未知宇宙的神秘之旅767 / 作者:伤我心太深 / 帖子ID:830
Recent developments in particle physics have uncovered other theoretically plausible dark matter candidates. This work hints that the WIMP is just the tip of the iceberg. Lurking under the surface could be hidden worlds, complete with their own matter particles and forces.

One such development is the concept of particles even more wimpy than WIMPs. Theory suggests that WIMPs formed in the first nanosecond of cosmic history might have been unstable. Seconds to days later they could have decayed to particles that have a comparable mass but do not interact by the weak nuclear force; gravity is their only connection to the rest of the natural world. Physicists, tongue in cheek, call them super-WIMPs.

The idea is that super-WIMPs constitute the dark matter of today's universe. Super-WIMPs would elude direct observational searches but might be inferred from the telltale imprint they would leave on the shapes of galaxies. When created, super-WIMPs would have been moving at a significant fraction of the speed of light. They would have taken time to come to rest, and galaxies could not have begun forming until then. This delay would have left less time for matter to accrete onto the centers of galaxies before cosmic expansion diluted it. The density at the center of dark matter halos should therefore reveal whether they are made of WIMPs or super-WIMPs; astronomers are now checking. In addition, the decay from WIMP to super-WIMP should have produced photons or electrons as a by-product, and these particles can smash into light nuclei and break them apart. There is some evidence that the universe has less lithium than expected, and the super-WIMP hypothesis is one way to explain the discrepancy.

Dark Forces, Hidden Worlds
黑暗世界:通向未知宇宙的神秘之旅631 / 作者:伤我心太深 / 帖子ID:830
Once one admits the possibility of hidden particles with properties that go beyond the standard WIMP scenario, it is natural to consider the full range of possibilities. Could there be a whole sector of hidden particles? Could there be a hidden world that is an exact copy of ours, containing hidden versions of electrons and protons, which combine to form hidden atoms and molecules, which combine to form hidden planets, hidden stars and even hidden people?

The idea is truly tantalizing. Could it be that what we see as dark matter is really evidence for a hidden world that mirrors ours? And are hidden physicists and astronomers even now peering through their telescopes and wondering what their dark matter is, when in fact their dark matter is us?

Unfortunately, basic observations indicate that hidden worlds cannot be an exact copy of our visible world. For one, dark matter is six times more abundant than normal matter. For another, if dark matter behaved like ordinary matter, halos would have flattened out to form disks like that of the Milky Way—with dramatic gravitational consequences that have not been seen. Last, the existence of hidden particles identical to ours would have affected cosmic expansion; compositional measurements rule that out. These considerations argue strongly against hidden people.

That said, the dark world might indeed be a complicated web of particles and forces. In one line of research, several investigators, including one of us (Feng) and Jason Kumar of the University of Hawaii at Manoa, have found that the same supersymmetric framework that leads to WIMPs allows for alternative scenarios that lack WIMPs but have multiple other types of particles. What is more, in many of these WIMP—less theories, these particles interact with one another through newly postulated dark forces. We found that such forces would alter the rate of particle creation and annihilation in the early universe, but again the numbers work out so that the right number of particles are left over to account for dark matter. These models predict that dark matter may be accompanied by a hidden weak force or, even more remarkably, a hidden version of electromagnetism, implying that dark matter may emit and reflect hidden light.

    综上所述,黑暗世界也许的确是由各种隐性粒子与作用力构成的一张复杂关系网。在一个研究领域里,有些研究者,包括我们的Feng夏威夷大学Manoa校区的Jason Kumar博士,发现基于能推导弱相互作用重粒子存在的同一超对称理论框架,也能推导出不是由弱相互作用重粒子,而是由其它多种粒子构成的理论方案。此外,在这些与弱相互作用重粒子关系不大的理论中,这些粒子通过设想的新的暗作用力,彼此之间还可能互相影响。他们发现这些力还会改变早期宇宙粒子产生和湮灭的速率,不过计算结果同样表明剩余的粒子值与当今暗物质的量相当。这些模型推测暗物质伴随着一种隐性的弱作用力,甚至更奇怪的,一种隐性的电磁机制,表明暗物质会发出和反射隐性的光。
This "light" is, of course, invisible to us, and so the dark matter remains dark to our eyes. Still, new forces could have very significant effects. For example, they could cause clouds of dark particles to become distorted as they pass through one another. Astronomers have searched for this effect in the famous Bullet Cluster, which consists of two clusters of galaxies that have passed through each other. Observations, however, show that the brief co-mingling of clusters left the dark matter largely unperturbed, indicating that any dark forces could not be very strong (view Bullet Cluster Movie on next page).

Silver Bullet

黑暗世界:通向未知宇宙的神秘之旅407 / 作者:伤我心太深 / 帖子ID:830
Is there any direct evidence for dark matter—WIMP or Super—WIMP based? The Bullet Cluster may have provided an answer. This is a pair of galaxy clusters that have collided. The collision had little effect on the stars; they passed quietly by each other. However, huge clouds of interstellar gas rammed into one another at 6 million mph, heat up to 100 million degrees celsius and fired out X-rays—(the red areas in the photo at left). It is the blue areas that are the mystery; these were detected in 2006 because of the gravitational lensing of the background stars. Despite the enormous gravitational mass, there is no interaction with anything else happening in the collision—this is very probably dark matter: unreactive particles oblivious to the firestorm around them.

One Dark Thing to Another


    黑暗世界:通向未知宇宙的神秘之旅21 / 作者:伤我心太深 / 帖子ID:830同样引人入胜的是暗物质有可能与暗能量相互影响。现存的许多理论都觉得它们并没多大联系,但也没有确凿的证据表明它们之间必然没有联系。物理学家们现在正在考虑暗物质与暗能量之间如何相互影响。一种愿望是将它们互相配对从而方便解释宇宙中的一些问题,如它们之间的巧合——它们的密度何以互相之间成比例?暗能量的密度大约是暗物质的三倍,但这个比例系数本应是10001百万。如果暗物质以某种方式激发了暗能量的存在,这种巧合才说得过去。

    将暗物质和暗能量互相配对也使得暗物质粒子之间能互相影响,而这些影响在一般粒子之间一般是不存在的。近来发展的模型允许并且有时候必须要让暗能量对暗物质施加一种作用力而对一般物质没有影响。在这种作用力影响下,暗物质会试图将自己与胶着在一起的一般物质拉开。2006年,加州理工大学的Marc Kamionkowski博士和多伦多加拿大理论天体研究所的Michael Kesden博士建议观察被自己强大的邻居肢解的白矮星来获取这种效应。例如,人马座白矮星正被银河系肢解,天文学家们认为它的暗物质与一般物质正涌入银河系。Kamionkowski Kesden两位博士经过计算认为,如果暗物质之间的作用力比正常物质强或弱超过4%,这两种成分的分离过程就可以观测到。然而截至目前,数据还不能反映出这种情况。

    另一种设想是暗物质和暗能量之间的联系会改变宇宙的结构,因为宇宙结构严重依赖于它的各种构成成分,包括黑暗部分。一些研究者,包括我们的Trodden博士和来自康奈尔大学的Rachel BeanÉanna FlanaganIstvan Laszlo等学者在内,最近用这种有效的限制条件证明了很多模型不成立。

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