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刊·见 | 汇聚前沿研究,揭开mRNA疫苗神秘面纱!

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刊·见 | 汇聚前沿研究,揭开mRNA疫苗神秘面纱!503 / 作者:网事大话每 / 帖子ID:96489


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RNA即核糖核酸, 它与蛋白质生物合成关系密切,在遗传学中具有重要作用。当前,RNA治疗的创新发展和新兴技术是什么?本期刊·见内容选自RNA前沿研究期刊RNA Biology ,为读者带来近两年内发表在该刊中的高被引文章以及2022年高阅读量文章:

  • SARS-CoV-2 5'-UTR 的二级结构
  • FTO使HOXB13 mRNA中的m6A修饰去甲基化并通过激活WNT信号通路促进子宫内膜癌转移
  • RNAi的脱靶效应与dsRNA和非靶向mRNA之间的错配率相关
  • 揭开mRNA疫苗的神秘面纱:一个处于隐匿性疾病前沿的新兴平台
  • RNA治疗的创新发展和新兴技术
  • 基于RNA的神经系统疾病疗法

RNA Biology 专攻 RNA(核糖核酸)研究,包括结构生物学、基因组、转录和剪接研究。自生命开始以来,RNA在所有细胞过程中已具有核心作用:解码基因组、调节基因表达、结构生物学、介导分子相互作用和催化化学反应。作为该领域的领先期刊,RNA Biology 为研究人员提供了一个展示和探讨有关RNA前沿研究的交流平台。主题涵盖:

  • RNA生物化学和结构生物学
  • 转录和翻译
  • 真核生物和原核生物中调控RNA
  • 测序和生物信息学
  • RNA定位
  • RNA在疾病和治疗中的作用
  • 与RNA生物学相关的其他主题
该期刊被SCIE, PMC, Medline, Scopus, EMBASE, Chemical Abstracts, EBSCOhost, BIOBASE, BIOSIS, NLM等国际知名数据库收录。

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根据JCR显示,2017-2021年RNA Biology

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RNA Biology

  • CiteScore(2021)为6.7
  • CiteScoreTracker(2022)为6.5

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根据在Scopus中显示,RNA Biology

  • 生物化学、遗传学和分子生物学:分子生物学领域排名153/386
  • 在生物化学、遗传学和分子生物学:细胞生物学领域115/274

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在2021年12月中科院期刊分区表(升级版) 发布显示:
下图为2021年,RNA Biology 全球使用量排名前10的国家,

  • 中国位居第二
  • 美国排名第一
RNA Biology 的主编由Alain Laederach(北卡罗来纳大学教堂山分校) 担任。策划编辑由Adam Weiss担任。
在副主编队列中,来自中国的副主编是汪香婷研究员 (中国科学技术大学附属第一医院)。

  • 陈玲玲,中国科学院分子细胞科学卓越创新中心研究员
  • 王秀杰,中国科学院遗传与发育生物学研究所研究员
  • 杨运桂,中国科学院北京基因组研究所(国家生物信息中心)研究员
Alain Laederach

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Alain Laederach博士是北卡罗来纳大学教堂山分校的副教授、美国RNA学会成员。他的实验室研究RNA结构与功能和疾病的关系。他的团队一直使用计算和实验技术相结合来模拟由单核苷酸变异引起的不同结构元素,也称为“riboSNitches”。”目前,Laederach博士和他的团队正在研究具有多个上游开放阅读框 (uORF) 的 5' UTR ,及如何控制翻译其结构。
汪香婷,中国科学技术大学附属第一医院研究员,博士生导师。美国加州大学圣地亚哥分校博士和博士后。主要研究方向为长链非编码RNA(lncRNA)的功能与机制,其中关于启动子RNA在对肿瘤相关因子cyclinD1以顺式作用方式发挥调控的研究(Wang X, et. al., Nature 2008)对lncRNA领域的形成发挥了积极的推动作用,并因此参加了Dr. Thomas R. Cech等主编的第四版《RNA Worlds》的撰写。2013年底归国后,继续在lncRNA的注释、功能解析和分子机理方面做出了一系列优秀成果。于2020年初开始承担 RNA Biology 期刊副主编一职,希望为RNA相关研究和期刊发展做出一份积极的贡献。

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陈玲玲博士, 现任中国科学院分子细胞科学卓越创新中心/生物化学与细胞生物学研究所研究员、分子生物学国家重点实验室副主任、霍华德休斯医学研究所国际研究员、康涅狄格大学健康中心客座教授。研究方向为:RNA代谢与功能。

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王秀杰博士, 现任中国科学院遗传与发育生物学研究所分子系统生物学研究中心研究员、主任。研究方向为:生物信息学和系统生物学。
杨运桂博士, 现任中国科学院北京基因组研究所(国家生物信息中心)副所长,还是中国科学院特聘研究员、博士生导师。研究领域为:RNA表观遗传学特征、调控和功能。
根据JCR显示,近三年,在RNA Biology 发文的国家中:

  • 中国为全球第一,共178篇文章
  • 美国排名第二,共147篇文章
  • 德国第三,共86篇文章

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近三年,在RNA Biology发文的全球高校和科研机构中,发文活跃的中国机构有:

  • 中国科学院,共计21篇文章
  • 浙江大学,共计14篇文章
  • 中山大学,共计13篇文章

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  • 稿件一旦接受后,在线出版平均需要23天
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Secondary structure of the SARS-CoV-2 5'-UTR
SARS-CoV-2 5'-UTR 的二级结构
作者:Zhichao Miao, Antonin Tidu, Gilbert Eriani & Franck Martin
The SARS-CoV-2, a positive-sense single-stranded RNA Coronavirus, is a global threat to human health. Thus, understanding its life cycle mechanistically would be important to facilitate the design of antiviral drugs. A key aspect of viral progression is the synthesis of viral proteins by the ribosome of the human host. In Coronaviruses, this process is regulated by the viral 5 and 3 untranslated regions (UTRs), but the precise regulatory mechanism has not yet been well understood. In particular, the 5-UTR of the viral genome is most likely involved in translation initiation of viral proteins. Here, we performed inline probing and RNase V1 probing to establish a model of the secondary structure of SARS-CoV-2 5-UTR. We found that the 5-UTR contains stable structures including a very stable four-way junction close to the AUG start codon.Sequence alignment analysis of SARS-CoV-2 variants 5-UTRs revealed a highly conserved structure with few co-variations that confirmed our secondary structure model based on probing experiments.

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Secondary structural model of SARS-CoV-2 5-UTR
FTO demethylates m6A modifications in HOXB13 mRNA and promotes endometrial cancer metastasis by activating the WNT signalling pathway
FTO 使HOXB13 mRNA中的m6A修饰去甲基化并通过激活WNT信号通路促进子宫内膜癌转移
作者:Lin zhang, Yicong Wan, Zihan Zhang, Yi Jiang, Jinghe Lang, Wenjun Cheng & Lan Zhu
Although many studies have confirmed the relationship between obesity and endometrial cancer (EC), the molecular mechanism between obesity and EC progression has not been elucidated. Overexpression of fat mass and the obesity associated protein FTO leads to weight gain, although recently it has been discovered that FTO can serve as a demethylase which erases N6-methyladenosine (m6A) modification and regulates the metabolization of mRNAs. In this study, we found high expression of FTO in metastatic EC and that this action promote both metastasis and invasion in vivo and in vitro. Mechanistically, FTO can catalyse demethylation modification in 3UTR region of HOXB13 mRNA, thereby abolishing m6A modification recognition with the YTHDF2 protein. Decreasing HOXB13 mRNA decay and increasing HOXB13 protein expression was accompanied by WNT signalling pathway activation and the expression of downstream proteins, leading to tumour metastasis and invasion. We also found the WNT signalling pathway inhibitor ICG-001 can block HOXB13 gene-induced tumour metastasis, therefore ICG-001 may be a promising molecular intervention. This study provides insight into the relationship between obesity and the pathogenesis of endometrial cancer while highlighting future areas of research.

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FTO is overexpressed in metastatic EC cancer
Off-target effects of RNAi correlate with the mismatch rate between dsRNA and non-target mRNA
作者:Jiasheng Chen, Yingchuan Peng, Hainan Zhang, Kangxu Wang, Chunqing Zhao, Guanheng Zhu, Subba Reddy Palli & Zhaojun Han
RNAi is a potent technique for the knockdown of target genes. However, its potential off-target effects limit the widespread applications in both reverse genetic analysis and genetic manipulation. Previous efforts have uncovered rules underlying specificity of siRNA-based silencing, which has broad applications in humans, but the basis for specificity of dsRNAs, which are better suited for use as insecticides, is poorly understood. Here, we investigated the rules governing dsRNA specificity. Mutational analyses showed that dsRNAs with >80% sequence identity with target genes triggered RNAi efficiently. dsRNAs with ≥16 bp segments of perfectly matched sequence or >26 bp segments of almost perfectly matched sequence with one or two mismatches scarcely distributed (single mismatches inserted between ≥5 bp matching segments or mismatched couplets inserted between ≥8 bp matching segments) also able to trigger RNAi. Using these parameters to predict off-target risk, dsRNAs can be designed to optimize specificity and efficiency, paving the way to the widespread, rational application of RNAi in pest control.

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The scatter diagram showing knockdown efficiencies in T. castaneum triggered by a series of chimeric dsRNA containing a varied length fragment of contiguous matching bases.
Demystifying mRNA vaccines: an emerging platform at the forefront of cryptic diseases
揭开 mRNA 疫苗的神秘面纱:一个处于隐匿性疾病前沿的新兴平台
作者:Nusrat Zahan Rouf, Sumit Biswas, Nawseen Tarannum, Labiba Mustabina Oishee & Mutia Masuka Muna
Messenger RNA (mRNA) vaccines have been studied for decades, but only recently, during the COVID-19 pandemic, has the technology garnered noteworthy attention. In contrast to traditional vaccines, mRNA vaccines elicit a more balanced immune response, triggering both humoral and cellular components of the adaptive immune system. However, some inherent hurdles associated with stability, immunogenicity, in vivo delivery, along with the novelty of the technology, have generated scepticism in the adoption of mRNA vaccines. Recent developments have pushed to bypass these issues and the approval of mRNA-based vaccines to combat COVID-19 has further highlighted the feasibility, safety, efficacy, and rapid development potential of this platform, thereby pushing it to the forefront of emerging therapeutics. This review aims to demystify mRNA vaccines, delineating the evolution of the technology which has emerged as a timely solution to COVID-19 and exploring the immense potential it offers as a prophylactic option for other cryptic diseases.

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Activation of the immune sytem by mRNA vaccines
Innovative developments and emerging technologies in RNA therapeutics
RNA 治疗的创新发展和新兴技术
作者:Franois Halloy, Annabelle Biscans, Katherine E. Bujold, Alexandre Debacker, Alyssa C. Hill, Aurélie Lacroix, Olivia Luige, Roger Strmberg, Linda Sundstrom, Jrg Vogel & Alice Ghidini
RNA-based therapeutics are emerging as a powerful platform for the treatment of multiple diseases. Currently, the two main categories of nucleic acid therapeutics, antisense oligonucleotides and small interfering RNAs (siRNAs), achieve their therapeutic effect through either gene silencing, splicing modulation or microRNA binding, giving rise to versatile options to target pathogenic gene expression patterns. Moreover, ongoing research seeks to expand the scope of RNA-based drugs to include more complex nucleic acid templates, such as messenger RNA, as exemplified by the first approved mRNA-based vaccine in 2020. The increasing number of approved sequences and ongoing clinical trials has attracted considerable interest in the chemical development of oligonucleotides and nucleic acids as drugs, especially since the FDA approval of the first siRNA drug in 2018. As a result, a variety of innovative approaches is emerging, highlighting the potential of RNA as one of the most prominent therapeutic tools in the drug design and development pipeline. This review seeks to provide a comprehensive summary of current efforts in academia and industry aimed at fully realizing the potential of RNA-based therapeutics. Towards this, we introduce established and emerging RNA-based technologies, with a focus on their potential as biosensors and therapeutics. We then describe their mechanisms of action and their application in different disease contexts, along with the strengths and limitations of each strategy. Since the nucleic acid toolbox is rapidly expanding, we also introduce RNA minimal architectures, RNA/protein cleavers and viral RNA as promising modalities for new therapeutics and discuss future directions for the field.

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RNA-based therapeutics for neurological diseases
基于 RNA 的神经系统疾病疗法
作者:Karen Anthony
RNA-based therapeutics have entered the mainstream with seemingly limitless possibilities to treat all categories of neurological disease. Here, common RNA-based drug modalities such as antisense oligonucleotides, small interfering RNAs, RNA aptamers, RNA-based vaccines and mRNA drugs are reviewed highlighting their current and potential applications. Rapid progress has been made across rare genetic diseases and neurodegenerative disorders, but safe and effective delivery to the brain remains a significant challenge for many applications. The advent of individualized RNA-based therapies for ultra-rare diseases is discussed against the backdrop of the emergence of this field into more common conditions such as Alzheimer’s disease and ischaemic stroke. There remains significant untapped potential in the use of RNA-based therapeutics for behavioural disorders and tumours of the central nervous system; coupled with the accelerated development expected over the next decade, the true potential of RNA-based therapeutics to transform the therapeutic landscape in neurology remains to be uncovered.

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RNA-pulsed dendritic cell vaccine therapy for glioblastoma
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